The Unwrapping of Christmas - By Caryl Matrisciana

12 days ago

True John 3:1-21 qualified remnant disciples [even some non John 3:1-21 qualified ones (false disciples) and some pagans and heathens] know or will learn that Christ-mas [a blasphemous abominable word which truly means "Merry/Happy Crucifixion of the Christ" - a paragon term by children of satan/witches etc to paramountly mock and scorn Jesus for choosing to pay for the sins of mankind so that man has the one and only Way to true salvation by His atonement/propitiation] is a totally intermingling of pagan and heathen "holy" days [even occult holidays] made to look "Scriptural", in other words "New Testamentised".

Caryl Matrisciana and a host of historians run down the history of the pagan celebration today called Christmas and how it came to be associated with God's/Jesus' love letter written to mankind in His blood = The Holy Bible.

This is a superb and well researched documentary for John 3:1-21 qualified believers and those yet to be which the true Scriptural Jesus calls all man to, to be born again. An excellent historical documentary describing the pagan and heathen celebratory roots of the Xmas tradition [Saturnalia], which today has devolved into a fictional Roman Catholic church narrative, incorporating pagan + heathen elements to satiate and seduce converts and bolster recruitment. If one considers themselves to be a true John 3:1-21 disciple of the true austere Scriptural Jesus the Christ [God], they NEED need to see this documentary ASAP. As a former Roman Catholicos/Paganos who had not one iota of the origins of alleged "Bible based" "birth of the Christ Jesus" Roman Catholic celebration, this documentary truly is a MUST see. The true Scriptural Jesus WILL open your spiritual eyes, if you truly seek the true Scriptural Jesus and thus seek to be a true **adopted** child of His, to the ugly and hard truth of this "holy" day being quite the pagan and heathen celebratory "holiday". The pagans and heathens want their "holiday" back. After watching ask yourself:

Whom this day will you serve?

The true Scriptural God/Jesus and man, or the Devil/Antichrist?

If it's not in His Holy Writ, why do it? Why put what your flesh desires [which causes us to be at enmity with Him] before what the Father Spirit [God/Jesus] desires if you truly love Him above all things as a true John 3:1-21 qualified believer does? How on earth is it honouring to God/Jesus to love what He declares as what pagans and heathens do?

Caryl, when she was alive, did her best to be as John 3:1-21 historically, archaeologically, anthropologically, culturally, linguistically, contextually, and supremely, spiritually Scripturally accurate as possible within her time, resources, abilities etc in all her documentaries, one only need to view them with a correct John 3:1-21 qualified remnant world-view and not a world-view of the Holy Bible.

As one who is a born again from above, blood bought, redeemed, regenerated sold out for the true 1st century Jesus remnant John 3:1-21 qualified disciple as any is by nature of His unmerited favour, i do NOT use the word "Christian" as best as possible, here's why since most do not know this factual first century born again/John 3:1-21 Israelite knowledge and understanding;

Jesus never taught Christianity, He taught the "The Way". Roman Catholicism has fooled much of the world to believe Jesus taught "Christianity" which is a damn another lie by the Catholic Church, hence one of the reasons i left and became John 3:1-21 qualified like Jesus commands. Jesus never used the word "Christian" nor ever taught His Apostles to call themselves such, nor did His Apostles ever teach to any fellow John 3:1-21 qualified believers such, since the word actually means 'little god/deity/divinity/christ', and it's blasphemy to call oneself a little god in God's/Jesus' eyes. It's the Roman Catholic Church who has fooled most of mankind for 1700+ plus years to believe the word is what you are to call yourself if you believe yourself to be a professed true disciple when was in the first century, and always will be in Jesus' eyes, a severe appellation of insult that was used by pagans in Antioch to refer to the Apostles and disciples of Jesus. Go read this;

The word "Christ" [the "Christ"] infers deity, so the proper way to address Jesus as the KJV shows is "Jesus the Christ" which literally means "Jesus the [only] God." "Christ" is the Greek equivalent of the Bible Hebrew "Mashiach" = Messieh.

So to summarise;

When you become a true born again remnant believer [John 3:1-21] you will learn if you truly do careful diligent Acts 17 Berean study + parallel history careful diligent study, that Jesus never taught "Christianity" ... rather He taught "The Way" [mentioned at least four times in the New Covenant]'s why you do not see the word "Christianity" in the Holy Bible, i will tell you what i believe the authentic austere Scriptural Jesus the Christ lead me to, which is this: it was the Catholic Church who coined the word "Christianity', not the Israelites who were born again. *I strongly encourage you to go look up the article above from a born again believer, it's quite Scripturally historically accurate via John 3:1-21/Acts 17 Berean true exegesis.*

Board the John 3:1-21 Ark by the roads of Mark 1:15, 16:16, Luke 13:1-5, 24:47, Matthew 18:1-3, John 1:12, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:1-23, 10:9, Galatians 1:7-9, 1Corinthians 3:18-23 and parallel verses before it is too late - this day, because the door is closing and most will not escape the coming inescapable global flood of fire storm but a remnant and most so called true disciples of the authentic austere Scriptural Jesus the Christ _[God]_ clearly for now are exactly who the true Jesus referred to in Matthew 7:21-23 and parallel verses if you are not truly part of the John 3:1-21 qualified remnant. Selah.

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