Alicin V- THE food product cure to bacterial respiratory infections

2 months ago

John Scott Perez
Use Jaco7 for an extra 1ML of product

Allicin, a compound derived from garlic (Allium sativum), exhibits antiviral activity against influenza viruses through several mechanisms. These include direct antiviral effects, modulation of host
immune responses, and disruption of viral replication. Here's how allicin inhibits influenza viruses:
1. Direct Interaction with Viral Proteins • Thiol Reactivity: Allicin is a reactive sulfur compound capable of interacting with thiol (-SH) groups in viral proteins. Influenza viruses rely on functional proteins like hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) for host cell attachment and release, respectively. Allicin can disrupt these
proteins by oxidizing their thiol groups, impairing viral infectivity.
2. Inhibition of Viral Replication • Allicin has been shown to interfere with the viral replication cycle by targeting enzymes and processes essential for viral genome transcription and replication. By disrupting these
mechanisms, allicin can reduce the production of new virions.
3. Immunomodulatory Effects
• Allicin enhances the host immune response, which helps in combating influenza viruses: • Stimulation of Natural Killer (NK) Cells: Boosting NK cell activity enhances the destruction
of infected cells. • Anti-inflammatory Action: Allicin modulates inflammatory cytokine responses, reducing
the cytokine storm associated with severe influenza infections.
4. Antioxidant Activity • Influenza virus infections induce oxidative stress in host cells. Allicin's antioxidant properties mitigate this damage, preserving cellular integrity and reducing the ability of the virus to
5. Antibacterial Synergy • Secondary bacterial infections often exacerbate influenza. Allicin's broad-spectrum antibacterial
properties help prevent these co-infections indirectly reducing the severity of the disease.
Evidence and Research Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of garlic extracts containing allicin against various strains of influenza in vitro and in animal models. However, clinical trials directly evaluating purified allicin's
effectiveness against human influenza viruses are limited.
Practical Applications • Dietary Supplementation: Consuming garlic or allicin-rich supplements may provide some protection against influenza, although concentrations achieved through dietary intake are
typically lower than those used in experimental studies. • Pharmaceutical Development: Researchers are exploring allicin derivatives and formulations to
enhance its stability and bioavailability for antiviral therapies.
Would you like a deeper dive into any specific mechanism or research findings?


Rumble: Dr. Scott Perez former NSA, NATO and Verizon communication and internet expert discloses about weather warfare and a whole lot more.

John Scott Perez went through a Doctoral Dissertation in Chemistry at the University of Nebraska Lincoln involving the Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics and Biology tied to Telomeres, chromosomes, cancer, and aging. He pioneered the synthetic replication of chromosomes with 3 very rare PCR reactions he created while working with the Nobel Laureates Dr. Thomas Cech, Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, Dr. Carol Greider, Dr. Ignacio Tinocco, Dr. Peter Klobutcher, and other labs. He was the 1st person to crystallize a Telomere Binding Protein after expressing it in E. Coli. One PCR reaction he invented is used in tumor type diagnosis worldwide by Oncologists to identify Telomere length in tumor biopsies. He is an expert in biological radioactive & fluorescent assay methods involving DNA, RNA, and proteins.

​He has worked for several commercial industrial chemical manufacturing and analytical chemistry companies. He codes in 35+ languages. A portion of his career has involved working with a team that created the encryption used by the US Government & Military in the late 90s that is now owned by General Dynamics. He spent 17 years building high end communication surveillance for 24 global data networks encompassing 75% of the world’s Internet traffic including private data traffic for companies as large as the Fortune 50. He invented and built patented and proprietary technology for Intermedia Communications that was integral to the $6 B merger with MCI WorldCom that was used to analyze the State of NY data communications for the impact to 9/11 attack on the WTC buildings. He played an integral role in Verizon acquiring MCI as the result of major customer contracts up to the $100M/yr range. He invented the BlockChain tracking of all forms of multimedia and legacy voice and VOIP data communications which was patented by Verizon. While at Verizon he created several patents tied to identity and cyber security technology to counter threats to customers. He worked with the Federal government, NSA, and NATO on well-known cyber events that were in headlines while at Verizon.
​Early on Scott worked for Davis Water (now US Filter) as an Analytical Chemist supporting the government drinking water municipalities and manufacturing industries. Scott was instrumental in developing the computer based chemical laboratory analytics and manufacturing systems for Amalie Motor Oil (formerly Petroleum Packers). He recently invented the chemical reaction for the patented Buoyancy Power System Engine (BPSE) methodology that leverages gravity and buoyancy in the production of bulk Hydrogen and power. The patented BPSE methodology for industrial energy production using bulk Hydrogen has significant relevance to atmospheric decarbonization methods that scale up while supporting planetary life by leveraging photosynthesis in complex sugar energy Biochemistry that provides energy for animal life.
​He is the inventor of AllicinV and 5 other vapor formulas tied to disablement of coronaviruses based on digital protein codes tied to protein functionality, RNA transcription, and protein folding. He created the technology in 2020 while suffering from long Covid19. The technology is US patent pending 17/210,366. Scott has 2 NIH Doctoral Fellows, and one RA Doctoral Fellow from UNL. He also has an MS in Chemistry from UNL, and He holds a BA in Chemistry and a minor in Biology from Mercer Univ. For a more detailed background, click on the LinkedIn URL

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