Trope Trounced: Van Jones Foolishly Plays The 'Unelected Billionaire' Card On Scott Jennings

2 months ago

Posted • December 21, 2024: The memo to refer to Elon Musk as an ‘unelected billionaire’ was quickly received and adopted by ‘journalists’ and their fellow Democrats during the recent spending bill fight. But, there’s a problem. The ‘unelected billionaire’ trope was launched right when reports came out detailing how Biden hasn’t been in charge at the White House. Oopsie doodle! Let’s fast-forward to Van Jones unwisely pulling out the phrase against Scott Jennings on CNN. You’ve got to see this! -- Van Jones: We’re dealing with an oligarchy with Elon Musk here. -- Scott Jennings: If you’re concerned about unelected officials running the government, I invite you to review the last 4 years of Biden. -- Unelected millionaire Van Jones didn’t know what hit him! Of course, ‘unelected billionaires’ have been influencing the Democrat Party for years. Van Jones smirk says it all. Jennings nailed it with the unelected aides and beurocrats running the Biden administration. In addition, Bill Gates and Georgie Porgie have been running the (D) party for years. And not for the good of the country. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Trope Trounced: Van Jones Foolishly Plays the ‘Unelected Billionaire’ Card on Scott Jennings
Rumble: White House Cover-Up: Scott Jennings Asks Will Dems Who Lied For Biden Be Held Accountable?

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