The Christmas Tree: A Symbol of IDOLATRY in Disguise?

2 months ago

Is Christmas Tree Worship IDOLATRY in Disguise? Many Christians celebrate Christmas with a decorated tree, but is this harmless tradition actually a form of idolatry in disguise? In this video, we'll explore the origins of the Christmas tree and whether it's a symbol of faith or a subtle form of paganism. From its ancient roots to its modern-day significance, we'll examine the biblical implications of this beloved holiday tradition. Is the Christmas tree a harmless symbol of festive cheer, or is it a subtle form of idolatry that's creeping into our churches and homes? Watch to find out. #christmas #christmastree #ChristmasTreeTruth #HiddenIdolatry #TruthOverTradition #PaganRoots #QuestionTraditions #BiblicalTruth #ComeOutOfBabylon #SeekTruth #Christmas #SavingGraceTorahMinistries

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