Prestonwood Baptist Church Presents Extravagant Christmas Spectacle of Vanity

2 months ago

Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX—the 40,000-member megachurch led by the lukewarm pastor Dr. Jack Graham—continues the Laodicean tradition of putting on a spectacular music show for their "Gift of Christmas" production. Advertised as a *"visually stunning multimedia event complete with special effects,"* the event featured a *"nearly 1,000-member cast and choir, live orchestra, flying angels with pagan headdresses, and much more!"* Guests witness drummers flying through the air adorned with LED lights, live donkeys and camels crossing the stage, and Satan Claus in his sleigh hoisted above the crowd—lifted up like the deceiver of the whole world, the prince of the power of the air—bestowing temporal gifts upon those below while strobe lights, lasers, and fog machines enthrall the audience. Is this real Christianity? Or is it lukewarm? One foot in "religion" and the other in the world.

This year's presentation included *"elaborate staging and lighting, state-of-the-art high-resolution video technology with a massive LED video wall, live 50-piece orchestra, brilliant musical scoring, flying elves and angels, live animals, the Living Nativity, and much more!"* How does such elaborate entertainment align with the simplicity of worship described in the New Testament? Satan's face has transformed from the serpent in the garden to Santa Claus—who originated as a Roman Catholic bishop—accompanied by the Christmas tree (his consort to the sun god) and Christ Mass, which venerates not only the Roman Catholic Jesus but also the pagan sun god whose birthday falls on December 25th. Why do churches feel the need to incorporate such spectacular shows into their worship services? This image is further disguised with a halo and another face of Satan: the long-haired "Jesus" (Tammuz), an ancient Mesopotamian deity representing death and rebirth from ancient Babylon, now repackaged by the Roman Catholic Church and its followers. What does this reveal about our understanding of true Christian worship versus worldly entertainment in our churches?

In ancient Babylonian religion, the evergreen tree symbolized Nimrod's reincarnation as Tammuz. People would bring evergreen trees into their homes and adorn them with gold and silver to celebrate this rebirth. Isaiah 40:18 asks, "To whom then will you liken God? To what image will you liken him?" This emphasizes that God cannot be compared to any being or object—yet haven't churches done exactly this today through the tree and the image of Tammuz? Have we truly examined the spiritual implications of these practices in our churches?

Consider deeply: whose face do we truly associate with the tree now? Is it Jesus, or Santa? Who gives the gifts? Whose stocking do we hang? Is it not Satan's? When we participate in these traditions, are we not unconsciously teaching our children to look to a mythical figure rather than Christ? As 1 John 2:16 states, *"For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not from the Father but from the world."* Have you truly left Babylon? What would it cost you to abandon these customs?

The Bible commands: *"Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins or receive any of her plagues. Therefore, come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord; do not touch any unclean thing, and I will welcome you." ([Revelation 18:4, 2 Corinthians 6:17](* How can we justify charging admission to worship? Does this not mirror the money changers in the temple? Deception carries a price—in their greed, they will exploit you. Tickets for this deceptive circus, running from December 6th to the 15th, cost between $19-$69. What would Jesus say about monetizing His birth story?

Please read this short article, if you still have time:

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