Article 5177 Video - International Public Notice: Citizenship v Nationality By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5177 Video - International Public Notice: Citizenship v Nationality - Tuesday, December 17, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

There are only four(4) possible "citizenships" in The United States.

The first form of citizenship predating all the others, is State Citizenship. A State Citizen owes his or her allegiance uniquely to the State where they live --- California, Wisconsin, etc. This is an peculiarly American Citizenship, entirely voluntary, and engaged in by adults knowing and being accountable for their actions.

The second form of citizenship is United States Citizenship, a form of citizenship created by the First Naturalization Act, which allows Americans to go through a lengthy and voluntary process allowing them to demonstrate their good character and other attributes allowing them to work for the original American Federal Subcontractor, the Federal Republic, established under The Constitution for the united States of America ( Federal Constitution, 1787).

States of America refers to the doing-business-as name of the Second Confederacy which failed in 1861. The First Confederacy between the soil and land jurisdiction States known as the Union States (soil) and the States of the Union (land) survived intact as a "perpetual Union" under the Laws of Nature; the Second Confederacy between the States of the Union (land and sea) and the States of America (air) failed because business organizations created by men cannot guarantee a "perpetual union" via any means of contract. That is, they attempted to guarantee a contract that they could not possibly guarantee, and in the end, the contract failed in April of 1861. When it did, both the Second Confederacy and the Federal Republic failed; the United States Citizens lost their political status as a result and this form of citizenship has been vacated ever since.

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