Candace Owens interviews Phil Tourney USS Liberty interview

2 months ago

America First, not Israel before American First!

Candace Owens interviews Phil Tourney USS Liberty on December 12, 2024

The USS Liberty cover-up on the JEWS murdering Americans

Candace Owens interviews Phil Tourney USS Liberty cover-up betrayal of the Jews that hi-jacked the American democrat government murdering Americans

Lyndon B Johnson partnered with the CIA Jewish democrat party and killed JFK, so that the Jews could hi-jack the American government. The CIA Democrats are the Jews today, check their biographies as they have Jewish parents and grand parents; and are in All Presidents Cabinets hi-jacking the American government, etc. They sold out America to the one world order Jews that make, to put the mark of the beast nanobots into your blood via covid vaccine and all vaccines and fake man-made meat.

the USS Liberty was set-up to be sank, and killed by the Jewish plan with Lyndon B Johnson, so they could get the war funded by America and fought by our military, but God would not let you sink, I begged God, do not let that ship sink, when I watched the video for the first time, that I ever heard this story. My blood boiled when I watched this attack on the USS Liberty. I will never let this slide by, we need justice. and get the Jews out of our government, treason political people, God will get all of you, and your lies will not work on God.

The CIA and Lyndon B Johnson killed JFK so they could hi-jack the government with Jews. The Jews are stealing America by paying off all political leaders.

Lyndon B Johnson and all of these people are burning in HELL all of this time, because God knows the truth, and the JEWS hate Jesus and killed God's ONLY son. The Jews hate all people of the earth and are trying to kill the world with chem-trail spraying, FDA serial killer foods, vaccines with mark of the beast nanobots. etc. Jesus said the Jews were evil in his day, but their children are the children of HELL: meaning they are evil serial killers of the human race. We die all day long.

Matthew 23 Jesus says this. The Jews killed Jesus and all Christians.

Release all CIA files and the USS Liberty files President TRUMP Remember America First, or be the traitor that God forewarned you would follow you the rest of your life with extreme HATE from all Patriot Americans and God and Jesus that you betray.

The Jews LOVE to hate everyone, but cry Antisemitism if you hate them BACK!

Jews HATE all non-Jews, but do not hate them back
Jews HATE Jesus, but no one can rise up to defend the real Messiah
They are evil hating but you can not speak the truth or hate them back.

God broke all covenants with Israel and made a new one with Jesus and his followers, God dumped the Jews long ago, they are not his chosen people. We all come from Noah and his three sons, we are all related. No one is God's people except those that accept Jesus and the Jews do not accept Jesus.

USS Liberty heroes, WE THE PEOPLE will never let this die! All of these evil men are burning in the lake of fire, God was there that day, he knows the truth. The Jews are devil worshipers, not followers of Jesus Christ. Christians are stupid to think they are the people of God Almighty.

NO non-Christian should ever be allowed to serve in American politics. Jews and Catholics are one world order for the devil.

America First, not Israel before American First!

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