The Book of Enoch - Chapter 8-11

2 months ago

And the whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azazel: 'To him ascibe all sin'

Unlocking the key to understanding the Leviticus 16 scapegoat

Chapter 8 – we learn about Azazel and Semjaza, the leaders of the Fallen Angels and their corruption of the earth. Men plead for help.
Chapter 9 – Four of the Holy Angels intervene for men, which is their actual role. They approach God for instructions
Chapter 10a – God gives directions to these Four Holy Angels re: Noah, Azazel, Semjaza, the other Fallen Angels, the Nephilim and the unrighteous
Chapter 10b-11 – We also hear of God's long-term plan for cleansing the earth and providing blessings for the righteous

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