Apatros Review Ep-0118: Hentai WW2 [Unity Engine Shovelware, 2020]

2 months ago

AR-0118: The first of a total of three [3, yes, THREE! That is one less than four, but one more than two] rather shonky pieces of Shovelware released onto Steam about a couple years back by some outfit calling itself Konnichiwa Games, whose modus operandi involved using the now-discredited Unity Engine to make a bunch of el crapola cheap 'hentai' games [that don't actually have any hentai in them - these games make Leisure Suit Larry look like hardcore porn!] for a cheap way of earning a few bucks off the many, many suckas who prowl the Steam catalogue.

In a nutshell, "Hentai WW2" has the player controls your standard stereotypical anime waifu armed to the teeth with an assortment of weaponry and you have to prowl an entire ruined WW2 Berlin city block, shooting the hitsa out of equally stereotypical German WW2 soldiers... Who actually prefer to hang back and nail you from a distance... And they have surprisingly good aim.

There are two DLCs [back when I was a wee lad, we called those "Expansion Packs"], the first allows you to fight Hitler, who has been turned into a giant for some reason; while the second has you fighting Nazi Zombies at night, something that becomes a rather enjoyably scary experience... If you're a Masochist, that is...

That being said and all, this game sucks goanna eggs - big friggin time! The mechanics are a load of bullocks, the enemy is relentless and the only, ahem, "adult" content is the chance to see your anime waifu in the nude, nothing too explicit though.

If you're not a Steam user, you can find the full version of the game on those types of websites that gamers of culture tend to frequent...

My Grade: D- [Atrocious]

Any questions, comments or associated trivia for this review subject, please leave in the comments for this particular video.

Oh and before anyone asks, no there is no adult content shown in this video. This lovely site has rules and I'll keep to them. I do take my responsibilities seriously, after all...

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