I’ll Be You (1989) - AI cover of The Replacements song

2 months ago

I’ll Be You (1989) - AI cover of The Replacements song

The Replacements were an American rock band formed in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1979 after nineteen-year-old Bob Stinson gifted his eleven-year-old brother Tommy Stinson a bass guitar. The band was composed of the guitarist and vocalist Paul Westerberg, guitarist Bob Stinson, bass guitarist Tommy Stinson, and drummer Chris Mars for most of its existence.

RIP - Bob "Slim" Dunlap (August 14, 1951 – December 18, 2024) was a Minnesota-based guitarist and singer-songwriter who was best known as a member of The Replacements from 1987 to 1991, replacing original lead guitarist Bob Stinson.


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