Here's A Flashback To Just One Reason Nicolle Wallace Is A 'Media Propagandist Of The Year' Nominee

2 months ago

Posted • December 21, 2024: After the 2024 we witnessed from the usual suspects in the media, it's clear that nobody should ever trust these so-called "journalists" ever again. We've seen a lot of proof for that over the course of the year, but some of the biggest examples of the propaganda press doing their best to serve their Democrat masters have come in the form of journos parroting talking points from the Biden White House when it came to the president's physical and mental condition. After Biden's one and only debate with Trump in late June, the truth became undeniable, but shortly before that the media was still doing some serious gaslighting by telling us what we were seeing and hearing with our own eyes and ears wasn't really happening. MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace went above and beyond the call of journalistic duty when helping run cover for Biden's decline with this doozy of a segment:

In light of the WSJ report exposing Biden as completely unable to do the job of President for the last 4 years, I once again raise you this June 17, 2024 clip from Nicole Wallace — who spoke about a Republican plot to create “insidious cheap-fakes” painting Biden as unfit for the Presidency. Wallace certainly should be a "Media Propagandist of the Year" finalist for that one. My nominee for the second worst take of 2024? This one from June of 2024 arguing videos showing Joe Biden looking physically and mentally unable to do the job were “cheap fakes.” The "cheap fakes" accusations were, ironically, fake news. But the media did their job as they saw it at the time, which was to push whatever narratives the DNC handed them. The gaslighting was actually unbelievable. It was off the charts and even now they don't seem to be embarrassed by the backfire.

Twitchy: Here's a Flashback to Just 1 Reason Nicolle Wallace Is a 'Media Propagandist of the Year' Nominee

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