Why isn’t Tony Fauci in prison? You’ll wonder after you watch “Thank You, Dr. Fauci,” now out on TCN. Jenner Furst made the documentary. Even if you think you know a lot, this is an amazing conversation.

2 months ago

Here's a clinical study by a major university that was taken down almost as fast as it was released.
The symptoms to Exposure to 5G radiation mirror the symptoms of COVID
Here's a link to the pdf: http://u.pc.cd/EGPrtalK
We are about to see a NEW PLANDEMIC unleashed in this so-called Bird Flu.

(0:00) Exposing Fauci and the COVID Cover-up
(4:24) The Truth About COVID's Origins
(9:53) Were the 2001 Anthrax Attacks a False Flag?
(22:26) The Real Reason Fauci Pushed for mRNA Vaccines
(30:56) The Pandemic Began Much Earlier Than You Were Told
(41:32) Why COVID Is Different From Any Other Virus
(47:47) The Relationship Between Food and COVID
(50:58) Exposing DARPA's Shadowy “Project DEFUSE”
(1:02:43) Who Got Rich From COVID?
(1:23:18) Donald Trump's Historic Appointments
(1:32:00) Bio Labs in Ukraine

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