Let There Be Peace on Earth: Another Christmas at War in Ukraine with Pastor Anatoly Kaluzhny

2 months ago

Pastor Anatoly Kaluzhny of the New Life Church in Kiev has spent the first half of the holiday season here in the United States, meeting with political figures and influential leaders of faith in order to tell firsthand the stories of his people. Thousands of soldiers and conscripts have perished in Russia's attempted takeover of the eastern part of Ukraine. Cities destroyed. Families left homeless. Children orphaned. Now, with the changing of the US administration, many who find themselves on the front lines fear it's strongest world partner could abandon them to go it alone, with little in the way of military technology to defend themselves. Pastor Anatoly discusses how he and members of the clergy in Ukraine have been providing aid and morale to the troops and their families, and why he believes support from the west is vital to the ultimate goal: for the former Bloc to be left in peace, to rebuild & thrive as free nations.

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