Prof. Dr. Bhakdi on the US-House of Representatives Report: mRNA-Jabs Worse Than Thalidomide

2 months ago

On December 4, 2024 the US House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic published a document called: „After Action Review of the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Lessons Learned and A Path Forward“. It includes some remarkable statements. Prof. Sönnichsen summarized the most important points as follows:

- The SARS-CoV-2 virus almost certainly emerged from a laboratory accident related to the gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
- Among others, the research in Wuhan had been financed by the US National Institute of Health.
- The US and the Chinese government together tried to conceal the origin of SARS-CoV-2.
- The official reactions of governments, authorities and scientists paid by the government to the Covid Pandemic showed deception, wastefulness and misuse.
- The shut-down of schools during the pandemic will have permanent negative effects on generations of US children.
- It is illegal to override the constitution in times of crisis. The restriction of the liberties and rights guaranteed in the constitution leads to distrust in Public Health.
- The regulations must never cause more damage than the disease itself as it happened because of the lockdowns during the Covid crisis.

Today we are talking to Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi. For 30 years, he has been professor at the universities of Giessen and Mainz and for 22 years, he has been the editor-in-chief of the medical journal Medical Microbiology and Immunology. He published 320 papers on PubMed and has received countless scientific awards. To sum up, he has been one of the leading virologists in Germany. Prof. Bhakdi, thank you that you have taken time for us today. What can you say about this recently published document?

Prof. Dr. Bhakdi:
Andreas Sönnichsen has summarized it very well. And I have to say, I was impressed when I read the report – 300 pages. This is the reappraisal, Germany and the entire world have been waiting for. And it is quite good in almost every aspect. The players are called by name – sorry, the criminals in the government and the organization that have planned and carried out the entire pandemic. Mercilessly, I have to say. And this report can be applied to Germany and, now as we know, also to England. Because two days ago, the documents in England corresponding to the RKI files were released through legal efforts. And they look almost exactly like the German files. There you can see that the whole thing was organized with criminal brilliance. A true mafia gang – much bigger than the mafia. But there is one thing. And when I saw this one point I said, I would like to give an interview with you, KLA.TV. Because this one point opens up a great opportunity for Europe, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, a big opportunity. This point concerns the vaccination. The Americans failed that. This committee failed. I know why it failed. But we don‘t have to go into the reasons now. The fact is that they say – I think it‘s on page 300 to 305 - that this vaccination has saved millions of lives. Basically, you would only have to improve the vaccination a little, the whole vaccination strategy and the program a little, and then it would have been good. And then I said, no people, how can you write something like that in 2024 before Christmas, because this vaccination is the greatest crime in the history of mankind. You missed saying that. And I would like to deliver that with you. So Germany, Austria, Switzerland. We want to provide the last missing piece of the mosaic in this puzzle.

So it can be said that in a way Europe’s time has come now. Because not only the pointlessness and danger of all these measures has to be revealed, as the Americans have now done, but likewise this really biggest human experiment in history: the modRNA injection. What are the latest findings on this, Prof. Bhakdi?

Prof. Dr. Bhakdi:
They made the following mistake which they made apparent themselves. First, in the article of John Ioannidis in the WHO bulletin in October 2020, John Ioannidis clearly pointed out that this virus is not and was not more dangerous for people under 70 years than an influenza virus. So from the beginning, there has never been a reason to vaccinate at all. Second, we have all been deceived and fell for the illusion that this vaccine is effective. But the RKI file of April 27, 2020 shows that nothing was known.

This was before anyone could even dream of a vaccination except Merkel. And nobody knew about it. This is written in this protocol. There will be several vaccines that will have been developed and tested in fast-track procedures. That means lightning speed. And everyone knows this cannot be. Of course, I noticed right a way that BioNTech does not have any animal testing facility. They were not able to test it with animals, the way it has to be done. So they didn‘t do it. And of course, it was later revealed that they never did it. They never carried out animal experiments. In general, there haven‘t been any animal experiments. And that‘s why the approval of the vaccine was not legal in the first place. One year later, in February 2021, it was written in another RKI file, one year later, after they had been vaccinating for 2 months, it is written that nothing is known about the efficiency and its constancy. And if we go back to the protocol of April 27, 2020, it is written, which is just unbelievable: relevant data about effectiveness and safety will only be collected post-marketing. These words should never be forgotten. It‘s almost Christmas, guys. But tell yourself every night: relevant data will only be collected post-marketing. Post-marketing means after it has been administered to you humans. And that is the explanation that they intended to carry out a human mass experiment. With this gene-based vaccine with unknown effect on humans. Such a crime is unprecedented in human history.

Then point number three - they deceived us by saying the vaccine was safe. But it was already evident due to the leaked Pfizer files of February 28, 2021 that 30,000 serious side effects had been observed and documented worldwide with 1,100 deaths. And half of the patients with 30,000 documented and reported serious side effects hadn‘t recovered yet. Just imagine that! Nobody had heard of that! But instead Lauterbach said: „Its‘ safe, safe, safe, go get the vaccination!“. You cannot do that, guys. This is a crime. It‘s a crime. And the USA cannot say: If we had planned better, the outcome would have been even better.

This is unbelievable.

Prof. Dr. Bhakdi:
And there is one more on top: The RKI file two months later, on May 7, 2021: The Paul Ehrlich Institute has had 45,000 reports during the last weeks. This is unbelievable, isn‘t it? And the Robert-Koch Institute writes: „It is a challenge for the PEI to pick out the relevant things.“ From 45,000 reports they were supposed to pick the most relevant. For example, and they even write this: myocarditis, sinus thromboses.

But Prof. Bhakdi, you already predicted all of that.

Prof. Dr. Bhakdi:
I mean, for example, and I predicted that. So they didn‘t have to mention the other causes. They wanted to pick the relevant ones. And that‘s where I want to say something: There was a report in April 2024, this year, by the US National Academy of Sciences. This is the top institution of the US with the best scientists. And these top scientists have formed a committee to investigate which side effects are certainly or probably related to the vaccination. And they viewed thousands of diseases and analyzed all data available and came to the conclusion: „
Well, after only four years, it is a bit difficult to make perfectly clear statements.“ But we make a statement. And that is, when someone who has been healthy, gets a disease after being vaccinated and this is myocarditis, than it is safe to say that myocarditis came from the vaccination. And further research on this will not lead to a different result. So they have it. And as you realize, there are already statistics, that approximately one to two per cent of the people vaccinated get myocarditis, if the vaccines were active. And one realizes that myocarditis is always life-shortening, this is written in the textbooks. After ten years, 20 to 40 myocarditis patients out of 100 will no longer be with us, no matter if they were young or old. And if you see those young people now with cardiac failures, you don‘t have to be as surprised as our politicians and our experts.

Nevertheless the vaccine was just recently recommended again, even for pregnant women?

Prof. Dr. Bhakdi:
The vaccination will not be stopped. And that‘s it. And I want to give you something for Christmas so that you have something to stop this madness. Four years ago, we already warned that this would all happen. And we wrote the book „Corona unmasked“. And this matter is so important to us that we have re-published the book as an e-book because we got the rights back from the publishers. And this book was published almost three weeks ago. You can order it at Amazon under „Corona unmasked Reiss Bhakdi“. And we don‘t earn anything with it. I really want to emphasize this, when we did it, we said: We want to do it but we don‘t want to make money with it. And that‘s why the price is so low that we really don‘t earn anything, basically only a couple of cents. Six euros, please. This is not much but it‘s worth it because there are all the sources in it. We indicated there why we wrote it like this and why it could not be another way. Then it has happened now. We know that it has become true what we wrote. And I go on to the new book. And this book is a new edition of the last book „Der Weg zur Wahrheit“ („The Way to Truth“) and it contains a lot of information in a nutshell on what has happened and how the evidence came and why we are now facing a wonderful situation the Americans don‘t face, that everything has been proven and can be stopped and must be stopped. And in this book, the recent events until August 2024 have been added.

Thank you so much for your efforts! One last question for our interview today: One of the last scandals in medicine that really stuck in the public‘s memory was the Thalidomide scandal in the 1960‘s. The directors of the pharmaceutical company Grünenthal were not convicted and the victims were more or less silenced with a fund that was more than three quarters tax-funded. Can we take away something from this for the necessary investigation into Corona?

Prof. Dr. Bhakdi:
Learn? Yes, we can learn that we have to use all data and information immediately so that there will be justice. And in this context, I want to say finally what we have contributed with our association MWGFD. We have a laboratory, after Professor Arne Burkhardt left us last year. We established a laboratory and some of our members work in this laboratory. Everything for free and we discovered something really important. And this discovery has been published properly in a scientific journal two weeks ago. And that information is shocking. That is why the thalidomide scandal could not happen again because the work is there. The work has shown that this vaccine modifies the human cell genetically over a longer period of time. That means that the absorption of this gene entails that a foreign protein will be produced over a longer period of time. It is not true that the production ends very fast. It does not end. And as you hopefully know by now, if a cell produces a foreign protein, this cell is sentenced to death by the immune system. And that is why there are those autoimmune self-attacks in the entire body. We have seen that this can happen. The pathologists have proven it now. It is published that there is no doubt that these self attacks happen everywhere where the vaccine gets. And there are studies of other groups that show that the vaccine gets into the placenta. And the vaccine gets to the children in the womb. And if you add those two facts it is even worse than Thalidomide. I am sorry to have to say it. It is even worse than Thalidomide. And it forces everyone to take action. We have to stop the madness. And I tell you: What has been discovered with Corona will be discovered for all RNA vaccines. The entire program must be stopped.

Prof. Bhakdi, thank you for taking time to talk to us and share this important news with the people before the holidays. We wish you all the best for your work. Thanks - that you have been pushing this issue all this time!

Prof. Dr. Bhakdi:
It‘s a pleasure. Good bye and Merry Christmas!

from sl.
520 pages report of the US House Select Subcommittee assessing the Coronavirus politics (assessment of the vaccination is missing!)

Prof. Dr. Sönnichsen on the report of the US House Select Subcommittee

Millions saved by Corona vaccinations? Millionen gerettet durch Corona-Impfungen? (Interview with Prof. Dr. Bergholz)

Prof. Dr. Klaus Steger (MWGFD):
„Laboratory investigations in cases of suspected vaccination damage or death“

New study confirms:
The RNA-based Covid-19 vaccines from BioNTech contain big amounts of DNA remains including the SV40 promoter / enhancer sequence:

original study:

Dr. Karina Reiss, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi:
Corona unmasked: Neue Daten, Zahlen, Hintergründe
(Corona unmasked: New data, figures, backgrounds)
In view of the most recent events such as disclosure of the RKI files and vaccination damages becoming known etc the re-edition of the book from 2021 makes sense because it had predicted everything.

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: Der Weg der Wahrheit (Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: The path of truth – new edition)
The path of truth – in interview with Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi‘s very own personal side as human, medical expert, scientist and bestselling author
The third edition contains two new chapters – a topical scientific assessment of the mRNA vaccines by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Karina Reiss und Dr. Michael Palmer as well as an interview with Dr. Bhakdi from summer 2024, including a look into future.

RKI files

WHO Bulletin by John Ioannidis, October 2020

Dokumente aus UK ähnlich der deutschen „RKI-Protokolle“,on%20licensing%20and%20regulatory%20action

Animal experiments have never been carried out: Project Lightspeed: Does BioNTech vaccination guru Sahin admit to have deceived the PEI and the public?

Side effects through Corona vaccinations
Gene-based “Vaccines” – The Pharmaceutical Crime of the Century? Press conference of March 15, 2023

Side effects deviously hidden behind Long-Covid (23.05.23)

mRNA Covid Vaccination – Causing Disease and Death? Interview with Ms. Dr. med. Ute Krüger

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