Trump is right once again

2 months ago

It's almost 2025 and reflecting what we have done and haven't done, we all survived the trials and the criticism from friends and family, keep you head up bc even tho we expect something to happen a certain way and it doesn't, doesn't mean nothing is happening. Keep close eye on details and listen closely to words, throughout 2020 our eyes have been opened as some of us had our eyes open a lot longer doesn't make us any better than those who are now just waking up. I overslept today and was late for work 😂 as some are waking up hours early for work to eat breakfast drink coffee or tea and sometimes exercise and meditate before work. For us being born into a society that has been brainwashed for centuries I think we have done a really good job of waking up and helping others to wake up as well, as far as I have seen I think it's going to be a very slow process weaning into the new world I'm not saying the new world order but a new world that we are more free from those that have been our slave masters. Please pat yourself on the back even though there are some that you've tried waking up and didn't succeed and some of them that have died it is not your fault, don't blame yourself because we all have free will and we decide on what we do with ourselves, and unfortunately some have decided to listen to those that are trying to kill us even when we're trying to help them from certain death. The truth is always important even if it's the smallest thing like the carrot was originally purple but was changed to Orange etc, genetic modified food have been going on for a very long time a lot longer than some people think, our water has been poisoned our food have been poisoned as well as are air, so with everything that they thrown at us we are still here today to breathe to hold our loved ones that we have left we are not lucky, we are blessed and I'm not saying the ones that are dead are not blessed because they have chosen their own path. I have a dear friend that knows a lot of information than me and I would like to add her as a admin but she rather not be one for certain reasons, so all I can say is that all we need to do is be patient even though we've been waiting for decades or sometimes years or months but we need to try to ourselves so we can think clearly and make clear decisions instead of going out blazing which our enemy would want us to do to make us look like ravage beasts, we are not like them we have a conscience and we still have the Divine spark in US and I'm not saying we are gods I am saying that when a Creator or an artist create something or paint something they put their signature on their creation, just like us our creator put his own signature in us. I don't celebrate holidays but I will say this have a safe month stay warm stay focused and God bless.

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