A Cross Country Motorcycle Odyssey

1 month ago

From North Carolina, three of us and two motorcycles set out on an extended low budget ride to the promised land of South Dakota. Without a single hotel or campground, we instead rely on many years of full-time motorcycle travel experience for accommodations, personal hygiene, and leisure days of easy travel.
I hope you enjoy the ride.

(Odysee has an app in the app store):
Beware of Rumble.com. Blackrock now controls that channel and it’s now become little more than controlled opposition. To date Odysee & Bitchute have given me the best info.

Want more? Odysee still has every video I ever made before Utube deleted my big channel:

My book “Josie’s Journey” is a not a motorcycle book, but rather a spiritual tale told in the story of one man’s journey to freedom. However, Josie’s is not a flowery yarn, nor does it venture anywhere near the sterile cleanness or deep phycological thought of many spiritual books:
https://www.amazon.com/Josies-Journey-Scooter-Tramp-Scotty/ dp/B09NRD73D8/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3A29GFL8CLUXY&keywords-scooter+tramp+scotty+book&qid=164580451&sprefix=scooter+tramp+sco%2C161&sr=8-1

PayPal donate link for those who wish to help support my work:

CashApp - A PayPal alternative: https://cash.app/$ScooterTrampScotty

Zelle. A Canadian couple (who recently canned their PP) turned me on to this one. Supposed to be super easy and uses no middleman. It’s in the app store. You just need my email: scottykerekes88@gmail.com

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