JIBBER JABBER - Communication skills

7 hours ago

Valuable lesson here that one of my business mentors taught me.


Jibber jabber
Chitter chatter
Does it matter?

When we listen
Make no mistake
It goes in one ear
And out the other

People absorb a low percent
Of what they hear
Has nothing to do with an accent
Or not being aware

But really it's our expectations
On what we want to hear
The rest is vibrations
From ear to ear

Open mind to seek out the truth
Or stay comfortable
In what you know
Ignorance plays a role
When one can't consider or listen
To what's been unraveled and told

Stay within your own beliefs and attitudes
And live in absolute bliss
I won't judge your aptitude
But you may find it hard to coexist

This is half the battle
The other is when we speak
Words can be fragile
And become so bleak

Try to paint a picture with words
Be clear and concise
So your recipient
Bites, chews and swallows
So you don't have to say it twice

But remember
They will only understand
A portion of what you said.

Moral of the story:
"Listen to understand before speaking to be understood"

-Shawn Price

Thank you Artlist.io, actors, musicians, videographers, CGI animators and sound effect artists. Without you, I would not have been able to turn my “JIBBER JABBER” poem into a visual presentation.

Artlist.io 2024 - 2025 License Number ND90Ql
Written, Narrated and Edited by PricelessSpits


Human - Instrumental Version
Song by Rex Banner

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