Thsi is Japan: Over 100 Bottlenose Dolphins were driven into the killing Cove

2 months ago

Taiji Japan, Thursday, December 19/20, 2024 , Written by Megumi Matsuda:
A pod of Bottlenose dolphins that was driven to the Cove yesterday and kept there overnight underwent selection process today. Since the start was later than usual, there was some concern that dolphins would be left alone for another day, but about 2 hours late, trainers from the Whale Museum and Dolphin Resort arrived in 2 skiffs.
At least 1 calf was seen yesterday and today there were at least two calves. There must have been others. We all know from watching the huntings every single day that hunters do NOT abide by their duty of effort to avoid mothers and calves, and frequently drive the nursery pods into the Cove.
The marking with white cream was also done today. Some of them were put on top of the original mark.
Yesterday it was estimated about 70 dolphins in this large pod, but the selection process made it appear that there were probably more than 100.
7 captives were captured from this large pod and taken to the sea-pens in Taiji harbor.
No slaughter and all remaining families were released.
In today’s release, the dolphins initially dispersed and some even went to non-offshore direction, and 1 banger boat was quickly added. The same technique is used to drive them into the Cove and release them, but we can imagine that the releases are not done seriously and diligently. In the past, dolphins have even gone into a set nets at the time of the release.
This is what the Japanese are doing to wild dolphins.
Dolphins are taken from their families and forced to perform until they die for the sake of audiences who want to see the dolphin show.
If you really love dolphins, please do not be a part of this atrocity.
昨日コーヴへ追い込まれ一晩留め置かれたイルカたちの選別が行われた。開始がいつもより遅かったため今日もさらに放置されるのかと心配されたが、約2時間ほど遅れて “クジラの博物館” と “ドルフィン•リゾート” のトレーナーたちが2隻のスキフで現れた。

Filmed by Kunito Seko


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