Kokoro: "Men tend to be the destroyers" aaaand also build everything

1 month ago

The show overall looked great, EP1 was fire but everytime it strays from Malcom & Kokoro it immediately drops in writing quality.

Very predictable, and by the end: pretentious.

And by EP7 I was waning and after that scene? I was almost checked out, and before I completely checked out I was waiting for the episode to address what Kokoro said in some clever way by her being proven wrong & she realizes it, or them bringing up the fact that she killed men earlier that episode when SHE was the one that began the entire situation.

Nope, nothing.

It's wild how people think they live in a patriarchy when it operates like a toxic matriarchy in every aspect, but it wears the skin of patriarchy.

Something like this? Wouldn't even make it out a conference room in a true patriarchy.

The "destroyers" point she made was true statistically, yet her argument was incorrect- vastly incomplete case.

And I refuse to believe she didn't have the data that shows men literally built every city on the planet throughout history.

So the writer wanted to include that dig, but OMIT the other 90% of reality.

But this A.I is supposed to be smart? That's not how that works.

*Terminator Zero Braincells.*

#terminatorzero #misinformation #gaslighting #Misandry #men #women #lessermook

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