Firewall: In Defense of the Nation State

2 months ago

The documentary featured here was released in 2007, just months after Lyndon LaRouche forecast the blow-out of the financial-derivative-infested housing bubble, triggering the blow-out of the entire U.S. financial system as a whole. That same week the blow-out occurred.

Soon after, Lyndon LaRouche was the only person to demand the one thing that could solve the crisis: the Homeowner's and Bank Protection Act. Calling a for a freeze on foreclosures for homeowners, and a firewall to separate commercial banking practices like the selling of mortgages from the parasitical practices of investment banks, hedge funds, and other criminal enterprises that speculated on those mortgages, this speculation threatened to put millions of homeowners out on the streets with a Weimar 1923-style hyperinflationary blow-out of the whole system. This firewall, the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act, would be the first step to a larger, general bankruptcy reorganization of the entire U.S. financial system, where commercial banks would be made solvent again through the clean out of fake money, like mortgage-backed securities and other derivatives, and given, instead, credit uttered by the Federal government for the purpose of launching the needed recovery of the U.S. economy, beginning with the funding of large scale capital intensive infrastructure projects.

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