Rep. McClintock On The Two-Tier Justice System: Pro-Lifers…Federal Prison…Church Vandalism…Probation

1 month ago

Posted • December 20, 2024: This week, the GOP-led U.S. House Judiciary's Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government held a hearing on "Revisiting the Implications of the FACE Act," a Clinton-era law that prohibits anyone from physically obstructing access to "reproductive health services." Subcommittee members convened Wednesday to further examine the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act's unequal, politicized application against pro-life activists. One such defendant, pro-life leader Paul Vaughn, the president of Personhood Tennessee, appeared before the congressional subcommittee to testify about his harrowing experience being prosecuted by the Biden-Harris administration's U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). […] U.S. attorneys have sought and successfully obtained multi-year federal prison sentences for non-violent pro-life defendants. Meanwhile, many pro-abortion radicals walked away with either being placed on probation or a month behind bars.

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), ranking member of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, said during Thursday's proceeding that appealing the FACE Act would be "a nonsensical course of action." If House Republicans are concerned about uneven enforcement and unequal treatment, "why wouldn't they simply call for the incoming Trump administration to prioritize cases involving the protection of anti-abortion facilities, which are explicitly protected under the FACE Act?" questioned Nadler. Rep. Tom McClintock breaks down the two standards of justice: Pro-Lifers ➡️ Federal Prison - Church Vandalism ➡️ Probation. Justice under the FACE Act is not being served even handedly. Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) found Nadler's proposal "just as offensive as prioritizing enforcement" of the FACE Act against pro-abortion activists. "Both courses are deeply destructive to the rule of law and equal protection of the law [...] It shouldn't matter what anyone's personal opinions are. The laws are to be applied equally to all," McClintock countered. (…)

• More at: Townhall - Pro-Life Leader Targeted by Biden's DOJ Delivers Shocking Testimony Before Congress
Rumble: The Biden-Harris Administration Abused The FACE Act To Target Pro-Lifers
Rumble: Pro-Life Leader Targeted By Biden's DOJ Delivers Shocking Testimony Before Congress

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