Living on Bitcoin Made Simple: How Strike Bridges USD & Bitcoin Effortlessly - Ep.235

2 months ago

***Strike is not a sponsor, I’m just a Strike user.

How to actually live your everyday life and incorporate Bitcoin easily? So far it has not been terribly easy.

One way to think about Strike is that it’s a traditional bank account to receive USD and pay bills, but also with the ability to convert USD to Bitcoin, convert Bitcoin to USD, and spend Bitcoin or USD from right within the app.

Automated, free, and secure bitcoin transfers to self-custody.

Strike Bill Pay: Strike can pay from your USD or Bitcoin balance.

Direct Deposit: Receiving a portion or all of your paycheck in Strike and having Strike automatically and immediately convert all or a percentage of that into Bitcoin.

Tax documents are prepared by Strike.

Fears of Bitcoiners when using direct deposit auto-buys and bill pay:
Converting to Bitcoin immediately, then the price dropping, then having to pay a bill from Bitcoin.
Not having complete control regarding the exact price you buy Bitcoin at.
SOLUTION TO BOTH: Receive and keep your paycheck in US Dollars in Strike, then pay bills from that, and also manually DCA into Bitcoin from that whenever you want while making sure you always keep enough USD in Strike to pay all your bills.

We are all learning how to navigate this new financial paradigm with Bitcoin and USD coexisting.

Best practices will emerge but right now it’s all very new.

Jack’s video — Tutorial: How To Own Zero Dollars & Live On Bitcoin With Strike:

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