Western Civilization Is Being Converted Into A Talmudic/Masonic NWO Police-State

1 month ago

You are living in the times when Freemasons stop pretending not to be secret communist minions of their NWO-Takeover.
These Freemasons and Eastern-Star Agents simply do not care about the values of the USA Constitutional Republic... they are actively destroying it now and hiding the genocide of non-Cult people.

Source: https://ugetube.com/watch/when-corrupt-cops-realize-they-destroyed-their-career-mp4_rAyeHjJUoeFJlwV.html

It is my personal experiences that the Masonic police are within the Luciferian brainchip-hivemind.
The Freemasons rebuilt the Tower-Of-Babel over the last 60 years so the NWO can expand over the entire earth... first it stretched over all of Western Civilization... then solar powered tower expaned the prison-grid into the third-world where electric power was absent. Now, the CCP and SpaceX https://old.bitchute.com/video/4SXTNRGotrpK/ are expanding the prison-grid of the Luciferian hivemind into orbital satellites, too. Yes the Freemasons like Musk, Trump, Putin, Zelenski, are in the same Masonic hivemind as the police and military. We non-cUlt people need to keep our integrity to maintain freedom for all as the Freemasons railroad their NWO police-state around the entire world, starting with the USA and North America. They want to call it "Fortress America". https://old.bitchute.com/video/z5b4dpzZn7Na/
As the brainchip magnetically adds each human into a big circuit-board: https://old.bitchute.com/video/4SXTNRGotrpK/

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