Everything you need to know about government shut down

2 months ago

December 20, 2024

Notice to One is Notice to All,

Regardless of where you are on this star system....

You are not the colour of your political party or your religion, nor should you define yourselves per your political and religious affiliation

Ask yourselves why do you hate others... is that because you were told to dislike and hate others who are not in your political / religious party team?

Ask yourselves that question...

You are and have been manipulated for the benefits of the puppeteers and the Globalists who want you to be poor, scared, and be enslaved.

On this star system, you are a living being...not your Politics or your religion.

And so it is.😊☝️✍️⚖️👑👽
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HRH Majesty Queen Romana Didulo, https://t.me/HRMQRD2024
Commander-in-Chief of North America,
Head of Government, Head of State,
President,  1st Prime Minister, National Indigenous Chief, and Queen of the Kingdom of Canada, Queen or America, Queen of North America, and Queen of The World, under Natural Law.

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