Lobo Tiggre: American Exceptionalism Faces a Test With an Era of Stagflation

2 months ago

Tom Bodrovics welcomes back Lobo Tiggre, the author and publisher of TheIndependentSpeculator.com. Lobo leads a team that provides independent due diligence and evaluations for investors, filling a role similar to consumer reports or brokers. He discusses the growth of their business despite industry downturns, reflecting on Rick Rule's advice about building teams and filling different market niches.

The conversation shifts to macroeconomic topics, including the impact of fiscal dominance on monetary policy and potential economic consequences. Lobo shares his past prediction of a U.S. recession in 2024 being incorrect and credits Lynn Alden's fiscal dominance thesis for ongoing deficit spending.

Lobo also explains the implications of soft landings, potential stagflation or reflationary economies, and the role of copper as an economic indicator. He emphasizes the importance of current market trends over ideological theories and due diligence in investment decisions. He shares his highest conviction trades for gold, uranium, and copper for various years, with copper being his top pick for 2025 based on bullish economic context and the favorable supply-demand fundamentals.

Time Stamp References:
0:00 - Introduction
0:40 - The Gang of Rogues
5:16 - Macro Picture & Signs
9:40 - Fed & Fiscal Dominance
14:30 - Voting Harder
16:44 - Industrial Recession?
23:53 - Inflation Waves
32:14 - Dr. Copper?
36:57 - Fundamentals Matter?
42:00 - Copper Grades & Costs
45:45 - Pre Prod. Sweet Spot
52:20 - Promises Vs. Reality
55:14 - High Conviction Play
58:06 - Wrap Up

Talking Points From This Episode
- Lobo's team provides independent investment evaluations, filling a role like consumer reports or brokers.
- Macroeconomic topics discussed include fiscal dominance, recession predictions, and economic implications.
- Copper is his top pick for 2025 due to bullish economic context and favorable supply-demand fundamentals.

Guest Links:
Website: https://independentspeculator.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/duediligenceguy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/louis.james.965580/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lobotiggre/

Lobo Tiggre, aka Louis James, is the founder and CEO of Louis James LLC, and the principal analyst and editor of IndependentSpeculator.com. He researched and recommended speculative opportunities in Casey Research publications from 2004 to 2018, writing under the name "Louis James." While with Casey Research, he learned the ins and outs of resource speculation from the legendary speculator Doug Casey.

Although frequently mistaken for one, Mr. Tiggre is not a professional geologist. However, his long tutelage under world-class geologists, writers, and investors resulted in an exceptional track record.

A fully transparent, documented, and verifiable track record is a central feature of the IndependentSpeculator. Mr. Tiggre will put his own money into the speculations he writes about, so his readers will always know he has "skin in the game" with them.

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