12.18.24 Patriot Streetfighter w/ Pastor Artur Pawlawski & Brad Wozny

21 days ago

Pastor Pawlowski, Author of "Lions Don't Bow" and the most persecuted person in The Great Awakening in Chinada, the communist state just across our northern border, discusses his plight along with former soldier Canadian Brad Wozny referencing possible Canada's position in the Restored Republic of the United States of America (small caps) as the US Corp is being dismantled.
Support Pastor Artur by purchasing "Lions Don't Bow" at https://www.streetchurch.ca/ for FREE shipping got to Amazon.com and Amazon.ca

Patriot Streetfighter is a highly censored combat machine fighting for "We The People" of Earth.
Website - https://patriotstreetfighter.com/

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