Pagan Cognitive Dissonance

2 months ago

We are a rebellious race of people as demonstrated time and again in scripture. Disobedience isn't anything new, and the enemy has been honing his crafty ways since the beginning in the Garden of Eden. He's very adept at blurring the line between the truth and lies, and he did so with the Roman emperor Constantine in the 4th century AD. Many traditions celebrated today are in direct disobedience and disregard of the Word of Elohim. For more references read the following verses and then test the traditions you participate in with them to see if you are truly striving to be obedient to your Savior, Yahusha Ha'Mashiah, as a follower of The Way.

Bible Verses about Pagan Holidays
• Deuteronomy 12:29-32.
• Jeremiah 10:2-5.
• 1 John 2:15
• John 4:23-24.
• Revelation 18:4-5.
• Romans 12:2.
• Leviticus 18:3-4.
• Mark 7:9.

Turn from your rebellion today and live free with a clear conscience that you are doing the will of your Father in true obedience.

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