Byzantine chant Θεαρχίω νεύματι #byzantinechant #orthodoxy #orthodoxfaith #orthodoxchristian

1 month ago

Byzantine Chant.
Title: "Θεαρχίω νεύματι" (With a sign by the authority of God)
Service: Feast of the Dormition of Virgin Mary
Performers: Greek Byzantine Choir
Album: "Hymns to the Most Holy Theotokos"
A very interesting note about this specific chant is that while it is one text and chanted as a whole, it contains all 8 tones of Byzantine Music. Each phrase is chanted in one of those 8 tones. The first two phrases are the glorification of the Trinity (hence the type of the chant as a Doxastikon - ie a glorification hymn). Then, the chant goes:
0:52 - 1st Tone
1:42 - Plagal 1st Tone
2:21 - 2nd Tone
3:12 - Plagal 2nd Tone
5:04 - 3rd Tone
5:59 - Plagal 3rd (Grave) Tone
7:12 - 4th Tone
7:40 - Plagal 4th Tone
9:38 - 1st Tone
An easy way to understand when the Tone changes is to note the changes from solo chant to choir. When such a change occurs the Tone changes, except after 7:40.

Θεαρχίω νεύματι, πάντοθεν οι θεοφόροι Απόστολοι, υπό νεφών μεταρσίως αιρόμενοι, καταλαβόντες τό πανάχραντον, καί ζωαρχικόν σου σκήνος, εξόχως ησπάζοντο.
Αι δέ υπέρτατοι τών ουρανών Δυνάμεις, σύν τώ οικείω Δεσπότή παραγενόμεναι, τό θεοδόχον καί ακραιφνέστατον σώμα προπέμπουσι, τώ δέει κρατούμεναι, υπερκοσμίως δέ προώχοντο, καί αοράτως εβόων, ταίς ανωτέραις ταξιαρχίαις, ιδού η παντάνασσα θεόπαις παραγέγονεν.
Άρατε πύλας, καί ταύτην υπερκοσμίως υποδέξασθε, τήν τού αενάου φωτός Μητέρα. Διά ταύτης γάρ η παγγενής τών βροτών σωτηρία γέγονεν, ή ατενίζειν ουκ ισχύομεν, καί ταύτη άξιον γέρας απονέμειν αδύνατον.Ταύτης γάρ τό υπερβάλλον, υπερέχει πάσαν έννοιαν. Διό άχραντε Θεοτόκε, αεί σύν ζωηφόρω Βασιλεί, καί τόκω ζώσα, πρέσβευε διηνεκώς, περιφρουρήσαι καί σώσαι, από πάσης προσβολής εναντίας τήν νεολαίαν σου. Tήν γάρ σήν προστασίαν κεκτήμεθα. Εις τούς αιώνας, αγλαοφανώς μακαρίζοντες.

With a sign by the authority of God, the god-bearing Apostles, having been delivered upon clouds from all around the world and having reached your immaculate and life-delivering body, venerated it resplendently.
And the sublime Forces of the Heavens, present along with our Lord, escorted your god-receiving and impeccable relic, filled with awe, preceeding the heavenly procession and resounding invisibly to the Higher Battalions:
"Behold, the Queen of all, who bore the God-child, has arrived! Raise the Gates and welcome her celestially, her, the Mother of the eternal Light! Through her came about the deliverance of the entire genre of the mortals. And to gaze upon her surpasses our powers, nor is it possible to offer her a Praise worthy enough. For her excessive glory surmounts every perception."
Immaculate Mother of God, you who forever lives along with your life-giving King and son, intercede always so that your people shall be protected and delivered from every assault. For we have been gifted with your protection. Unto the ages of ages, we bless you in all your radiant glory.

Brothers and sisters, may God bless you. You don't have to donate anything, but if you want to, you'll help me a lot.

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