2024-12-20 Crazy Guy - Mary Was Not a Virgin? - Robot Priest Blessings... - Christian Nationalism?

2 months ago

2024-12-20 Crazy Guy - Mary Was Not a Virgin? - Robot Priest Blessings... - Christian Nationalism?

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*DISCLAIMER* All descriptions are generated by AI, and are not always super accurate, although usually entertaining…

Podcast Description for the Latest Episode of the Ask a Christian Podcast with Host Nate

Join us on today’s episode as we dive into an unforgettable mix of wild and thought-provoking topics! We kick things off with a conversation featuring a completely outrageous guest. Then, we tackle an article from a minister who claims Mary wasn’t a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus.

Next, discover the future of faith as we discuss a robot priest blessing congregants in Brazil. Need a laugh? Listen to ChatGPT deliver some Bible jokes.

Later, we unpack the controversy of a Texas school district removing the Bible for being labeled as "sexually explicit." Finally, our resident real estate expert weighs in on the strange and dubious idea of burying loved ones in your backyard—spoiler: don’t try this at home.

Join us for these intriguing, funny, and sometimes bizarre discussions! Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to this podcast. Check out the Ask a Christian book and visit the Ask a Christian store—links are in the description!

Hashtags: #ChristianPodcast #MaryVirginBirth #RobotPriest #BibleHumor #BackyardBurials #FaithAndCulture #AskAChristian

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