BEWARE False Teachers!

2 months ago

The thing that grieves my heart so badly is watching young believers get dragged away by the lies of false teachers!

Really... I've watched it over and over again. Just recently my heart was broken watching a married couple who fell so in love with the Lord but then they were taken by a false teacher, getting them to doubt and question... and they were not grounded well enough to know better. They were dragged away by Satan...

Knowing that it happened to Jesus and the Apostles does not make me feel any better about it. It grieves my soul!

The biggest lie, one that I have recently learned the magnitude of it's power, is that even though there are huge obvious lies like Islam and the false copy-cat prophecies; the big, big lie, the one that creates doubt and division so often, is the one that uses the mystery of God to create doubt. The identity of Jesus. When a false teacher creates doubt about God becoming a man in Christ, Satan has won 90% of the battle.

The mystery of God really, truly separates the truth seekers from all others. And, it gives men the excuses they want to go their own way.

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