Cavern of Dreams:Playthrough 6

2 months ago

Getting even more closer to finishing this game up! In this one, I pick up from the last video and I go ahead and finish up the other portion of the Nightmare Gallery. So the rest of the missing eggs are within 2 other painting worlds that you must go inside of. The first one I go into which is the Wastes of Eternity was probably the most annoying one to deal with you see in that one there are these mummy-like things and while yes at first they are slow it seems like eventually they soon speed up so much to the point that no matter how fast you are going they will always catch you, so do not linger in this area too long and hurry up and find the egg. But the issue here is visibility is low as heck so it is hard to see the dang egg and even though I knew where the egg was at the thing wasn't even seen and I couldn't see the sucker so I got caught a few times. The next little area you have to go to is a fire-based area which eventually leads you into another painting world and I liked the other one in particular its design and for some reason, it made me think of SnakeWay from Dragon Ball Z haha.

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