2 months ago

SHEILA R. VITALE: Judeo-Christian Spiritual Philosophy - Topics Include: Gnosticism; We are the Ass Jesus Rides; Christ Perfects this World; Christ has a “Message” for the Beast; Christ Mind must become our Mind; Correct Understanding is Essential; Surrender to Christ’s Motives; Our Animal Nature should not to Gaze at God; God is in the Torah/Bible; Demiurge/1st Adam; We Die Because of Idolatry; God is in His Word; Christens are at different levels; Isaac and Jacob; Abraham’s Descendants are the Clothes/Bodies for Gods Son; Crossing the Red Sea; Warfare; Moses; Unleavened and Leavened Bread; Esoteric Doctrine; Second Exodus is One Man at a Time; The Glory of God is doctrine; Hebrew Children had a Spiritual Appetite; Bondage to the Government; Pharaoh in the Hearts of the Hebrew Children; Spiritual Pestilence; The Fallen Nature; Fallen Adam is Separated from God; Jehovah's Witnesses; Two Resurrections - Spiritual Christianity; Bible Teacher of the Doctrine of Christ, Answering the Hard Questions About Jesus; Social Commentary, Analytical Reviews

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