‘I Really Love or Enjoy Being Alone’ and Other Lies and Excuses Singles Tell Themselves.

2 months ago

“Why am I alone? ”

I can respond to that for you: it’s because you keep justifying your situation! You could absolutely be in a relationship if you choose to.

In fact, we singles come up with so many justifications that I was able to create a list of eight statements single individuals use to help us rest at night.

First Excuse. I’m concentrating on my job.

Whenever I heard this during my early years, I couldn’t help but chuckle. While there is some truth to it, let’s face it: job tasks and studies could certainly wait for the right partner.

I suppose this applies to some people who can’t even manage six hours of sleep each night. But if you find yourself with plenty of leisure time, then perhaps you should stop using “work” as an excuse. Just pick another one!

Second Excuse. No one appreciates me.

This is a phrase commonly spoken by your most attractive friends, and it translates to “no appealing person appreciates me. ”

If this is your frequent excuse, then you likely know someone who actually likes you. There’s just one minor problem: they’re not your type!

I’ll concede that when you express this, it’s somewhat irritating to hear for those of us who may not be conventionally attractive. But to be frank, that’s our issue. We should be supportive of you for not accepting something lesser… I suppose.

Third Excuse. It’s simply not the right moment.

Among all the phrases singles utilize, this one might be the least favorable. Does “the right moment” even exist for entering a relationship?

This excuse might seem insightful, yet somehow, it nearly always appears logical. You're going on summer vacation, you're transitioning to a new chapter in your life, you’re completing your degree, you’re joining a cult, your dog consumed your homework. . .

Look: there will never be a perfect moment because there will always be a reason if you're intent on finding one. Perhaps now is the appropriate time to introspect and understand why you're too hesitant to take a risk.

Fourth Excuse. I’m not worthy of them.

This is a falsehood that only you truly believe, for it’s simply not factual! We recognize that you are attractive, kind, and intelligent enough for someone out there.

It may be challenging to alter your self-perception in a few days. But believe me when I say that the right person will make you feel like the finest version of yourself. You just have to go out there and seek them.

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Fifth Excuse. I enjoy being single.
Ah yes, it’s the ultimate excuse for everything. This one is complicated because it can either be true or false depending on the moment. Alright, I’ll concede: it is fantastic being single. Most of the time, you genuinely enjoy experiencing life and engaging in activities alone.

However, then you watch that romantic comedy on TV or speak to a friend who is in a committed relationship, and it just leaves you feeling down, wishing for love to come your way.

Suddenly, you catch yourself pondering those dreaded four words: why am I single?

On that topic, I don’t believe you can use this as an excuse if you have never been in a relationship your entire life. How can you say you enjoy being single when you haven’t even experienced being with someone yet?

That’s correct, I’m calling you out!

Sixth Excuse. I’m going to miss out on so much in life.

Raise your hand if you’re afraid of commitment! This excuse perfectly exemplifies “getting ahead of yourself”.

I’ve had conversations with many friends who entered relationships in their late teens or early twenties. They all shared that they had the exact same anxiety when they got together with their partners. But do you know what they all ultimately say? That they don’t regret their choice to commit to their partner at all.

Honestly, why would you deny yourself happiness today?

Don’t overthink this, Gen Z, Millennial, or Gen X. Because guess what, you are also missing out on a lot of life by remaining single.

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