E.T. #14 - The Brain and Higher Consciousness - Monroe Institute

2 months ago

Explorer Tape 14: Miranon - The Brain and Higher Consciousness

0:00 Harmonizing brain patterns for evolvement
• Miranon describes the hemispheres of the brain as a pattern of X and left hemisphere.
• The importance of harmonizing both hemispheres of the brain for individual evolution and oneness.
• Miranon’s goals for evolvement are different from those of mankind, aiming for transcendence beyond level 49.
• Miranon reflects on changes in consciousness and physical location, seeking guidance from the IANA.

9:47 Using personal abilities, spiritual locations, and decision-making
• Seeking alternative means of electricity generation.
• Miranon is in a spiritual triangle with 14 other locations in the US, providing safety during turmoil.
• Seeking to determine the borders of a triangle with unknown coordinates.
• Meditation on 6th level can help individuals near death transition.

21:28 Consciousness, levels of evolution, and communication between beings
• She believes her consciousness is tied to Leon's, with millions of consciousnesses working together to create his unique consciousness.
• Leanna and her higher self discuss merging and level transitions.
• Leanna discusses the concept of consciousness and its ability to focus on different vibrational states, leading to healing in the body.
• SHE must focus on level 5/6 work before transitioning to new level.
• Evolved animals and plants respond to consciousness level.

31:21 Consciousness, vibrations, and levels of existence
• Highly evolved animals can choose to reincarnate as humans.
• Consciousness began with one being, now millions exist.
• SHE explains vibrational states and mathematical formulas tie cosmos together.

42:11 Consciousness and spiritual growth after death
• Eliana's godfather helps her transition, but she gets lost and Speaker 1 finds her.
• Miranon and SHE discuss transcendence and physical forces.
• Transitioning being finds beauty in new world, misses old one.
• Miranon’s transition to level 50 occurs after a change in level death, potentially leading to rebirth

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