Blindspot 139 RUSSIA Bans SATANIC TEMPLE- 2025 global order uncertainty, Vatican Opening Portals

2 months ago

Blindspot 139 - RUSSIA Bans SATANIC TEMPLE - 2025 global order uncertainightmare, Vatican ‘Portal Opening’ Rituals incoming & ZEP TEPI FILES:
WTF is the Ordo Templi Orientis?

Buiteboer // From Bunker 42

We begin with a non-AI monologue:
It would seem as if the turbulent changes washing over all regions of the planet knows no end, no limit, and that ‘we’ are caught slap bang in the middle of changes where old receding orders are not giving up, and new orders, are claiming their space with violent consequences in many geographies - Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Gaza, Libya, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Taiwan, to name but a few. But, beyond those battlegrounds in the dust and muddy muck of snow plowed through by a battalion of tanks the previous blindspot dipped a toe into eschatologies of the ‘end times’ as espoused by the three religions of the Book - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Taking the theme further this week, we ask - are we in a spiritual war, there for all to see, but hidden behind many veils of distraction and deception, forcing people to see prophetically proclaimed and even mathematically confirmed occurrences as coincidental to their important LinkedIn, Vleisboek, Pinterest, X, YouBoob, and OnlyFans lives. Thus manifestations physical and psychic, religiously high & holy but also profanely evil in the eyes of an alternative interpretation of a wrong rumour pertaining to a whisper campaign someone might have picked up on the road to Damascus many moons in biblical times ago are rendered as but more cultural noise in the cemetery of dying cultures from all over the world - Western Europe, South America, most of Africa, deep pockets of Asia etc.

Thus humans exposed to the extremes of the planetary here and now, see what religions tell us about certain potential future occurrences - be they perhaps sometimes quite apocalyptically inclined, as contemporary mythology. Here in the now of the TikTok Brainrot century we encounter a breed of Hollywood-inised filmed and pre-packaged realities beamed at eyeballs as programmed ideas, ideas (of multiple permutations of the final fuckup that ends the world), not real, don’t worry John, it’s just a simulation of the end playing out on the screen of the sky.

‘Entertainment’ in certain hands and plans, has been systematically defusing cultural-spiritualistic-religious tripwires to populate the planet with inevitable AI’s and future machine societies where humans are mostly defunct and an irritant to the new rulers of planet silicon. If, as we cover below, the Catholics are moering down doors, both spiritual and symbolic, while Russia bans the Satanic Temple, then, hmmm, well, something spiritual is afoot in those blind spotted hills.

But, we ask, what if this spiritual war is in fact one of the anchors of this violent transforming planetary reality we face? Because, why else in the supposed high-tech post-humanly postmodern digitospheric & quantum computing age are there so many wave making headlines pointing to major peculiar manifestations of spiritual traditions, positions, rights & wrongs, goods and bad’s, that persist to inform not only faith, but that direct the actions of leaders and even countries - far beyond the every day hogwash of who pelted who with a stone, or hypersonic missile. It speaks to the psychic, spiritual, real, un-real, digital, dimensional, quantum, heavenly or boorishly hellish, planetary, interstellar, or flat-earth reality surrounded by an ice wall perceptions or reality channels the mind’s eye chooses to dwell in, in this, the twilight hour? And what if the flat earth is indeed captured in a circular ice-wall prison, walling ‘us’ off from the real ‘extra-terrestrials’, from domains not of outer space, but territories beyond the Arctic wall surrounding our known planetary or geographic pancake earth reality.

But first, whichever way the planetary cooky crumbles, some news from the realms of the profane…
British Defense Minister Says UK Forces Could Be Sent to Ukraine for Training
International uncertainty - 2025, Alexander Dugin

And then onto Satatic temple being banned by Russia:
Leo Zagami on Russia banning Satanic temple and a resurgent woke al qaeda in Syria
Pope Francis to open five ‘holy portals’ - starting on Christmas Eve


Shilo Kherington. The Oreo Temple Orientis (OTO) history, rituals & teachings. 17 June, 2024.

End Time Headlines. 2024. Pope Francis to open 5 ‘sacred portals’ on Christmas Eve.

Dave DecCamp. 2024. British defence minister says UK forces could be sent to Ukraine for training. 18 December, 2024.

Leo Zagami. 2024. Satanic Temple outlawed in Russia for being blasphemous and undesirable while Zelensky prepares for his golden exile in London. 6 December, 2024.

Alexander Dugin. 2024. International uncertainty - 2025. 13 December, 2024. Katehon.

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