Brian Tyler Cohen is worried about Democrats denying elections

1 month ago

Vanilla Midget Brian Tyler Cohen is worried about election denial

Recently, the vacuous Brian Tyler Cohen has spent a lot of time bellyaching, whining & crying about GOP election deniers & that’s quite funny, considering his party invented election denial. Here’s the hub video where I list all the cases I’ve compiled (and if more are added, it will be in a video comment) of Democrats denying the results of elections, it’s quite extensive. They invented election denial, going all the way back to the “hanging Chad” scandal in Florida back in 2000.

It hasn’t stopped either, George W. Bush somehow stole the 2004 election as well, due to voting machines malfunctioning in Democrat-dominated, uber-Black precincts in Ohio. Then Vladimir Putin hacked the 2016 election, installing Donald J. Trump as POTUS. Not sure if Putin hacked 2024, but Trump is back.

The morbidly-obese Stacey Abrams had the 2018 Georgia Gubernatorial stolen from her due to voter suppression, allegedly. That’s just a few to tantalize you. So, if you run into a Pedocrat whining about “GOP election deniers” – throw this at them. I’ll bet they have a bumper sticker slogan in response, it will be bereft of details.

Here’s the Facebook post where I debunked Byron Taylor Cornhole (you can view it sans logging in) on this.

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