International Public Notice: The Question Brought Under Ecclesiastical Law By Anna Von Reitz

2 months ago

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Article 5173 Video - International Public Notice: The Question Brought Under Ecclesiastical Law - Monday, December 16, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Each jurisdiction of the Law is supreme in its own realm, however, among the three general jurisdictions, the Air Jurisdiction is and has always held the highest and most authoritative form of Law among those forms practiced by mankind.


Because except for where we place our feet --- our "standing" --- the air is where we live and breathe and have our being.

The air is also where all thought and movement and performance of labor takes place. It is the venue that provides the genesis of every product and performance. It is also Universal, and the same throughout the planet.

Finally, though Unbelievers in religious concepts will scream -- law proceeds as a result of religious and/or ethical systems, and of all the jurisdictions, the air jurisdiction is closest to Source. All true Law ultimately comes from Nature and as Thomas Jefferson put it, "Nature's God".

The Air is the realm of labor contracts, copyrights, trademarks, and patents, performance contracts, and incorporated entities engaged in commerce.

Ecclesiastical Law governs all of this and also governs the officials who administer the Ecclesiastical Law under Canon Law.

The Question under consideration in Ecclesiastical Law is: if someone pays for your debts, do you still owe them?

In the Western world, it is commonplace to be told, "Jesus died for your sins!" and "Your sins are washed away by the blood of Christ." and "Jesus paid for your sins."

Double-minded Satanists ask, "If you didn't pay for your sins (even if someone else did) is your account really paid?"

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