California regulators approve new rules for turning wastewater into drinking water

2 months ago

Turning America into Africa!
California regulators approve new rules for turning wastewater into drinking water

California has been doing this process for decades but used the poop water for farming, and has been used in some instances to make snow for resorts.

The new rules would let — but not require — water agencies to take wastewater, treat it, and then put it right back into the drinking water system. California would be just the second state to allow this, following Colorado.

Some communities in Texas are also doing it. Colorado has rules in place allowing potable reuse, while Arizona and Florida are developing regulations.

The Metropolitan Water District plans to deliver its first treated water as soon as 2028. By 2032, MWD officials plan to be producing 115 million gallons of purified water a day.

Remember when Bill Gates went on the Jimmy Fallon show and promoted poop water in 2015? Yeah... they've been planning this for a while now, as if tap water wasn't already bad enough! 🤪


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