Shoplifter Forces Cops To Drag Him From The Bathroom

14 days ago

On August 8th, 2023, officers responded to a Walmart in response to a shoplifting case. The suspect had fled to a nearby Sam’s Club and was hiding in the bathroom stalls. After taking the male in custody, the officers learned that there was also a getaway driver involved in the theft who had left the male behind. The male claimed that he was asthmatic and needed immediate help from EMS. The officers then called for the medical support staff and by the time they arrived, the male was found lying on his stomach in the backseat. The suspect was medically cleared by the EMS but he continued claiming that he was refused help. He also refused to identify himself and kept demanding medical help. The male claimed that he was unnecessarily brutalised by an officer who had refused to give his name. There is no federal law in the United States that requires police officers to identify themselves when asked. Even for uniformed officers, the law doesn't require them to make their badge number or name easily visible or accessible to the public. The suspect was taken to the County Police ID department but then he refused to provide his name or identification and even declined fingerprinting.The male was transported to the Police Station and was successfully identified as 43-year-old Melvin. The stolen merchandise recovered from him was valued at $766. He was charged with theft by shoplifting and resisting arrest without violence.

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