Elon Musk Said "You Can Tell It's Real Because It Looks So Fake" SpaceX Launched

2 months ago

Yes Elon Musk Said "You Can Tell It's Real Because It's Looks So Fake" SpaceX Rocket & Fake Space Launched. NASA Admits Its All Fake National Aeronautics and Space Administration On July 29, 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act into law, establishing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), a civilian agency responsible for coordinating America's activities in space.

The Real International Space Station Program brings together international flight crews, multiple launch vehicles, globally distributed launch and flight operations, training, engineering, and development facilities, communications networks, and the international scientific research community.

The International Space Station (ISS) is a 460-ton, permanently crewed platform orbiting 250 miles above Earth. It took 10 years and more than 30 missions to assemble, resulting in unprecedented scientific and engineering collaboration among five space agencies representing 15 countries.

Why, in some of the videos of NASA's astronauts in space, are there air bubbles that rise from their suit? The "air bubbles" seen in some videos of NASA's astronauts in space are often not actually air bubbles, but rather water droplets. These droplets can form from sweat, drinking water, or other liquids that may have escaped from the astronaut's suit or equipment. In the microgravity environment of space, these droplets can appear to move in unexpected ways, including rising up from the astronaut's suit due to surface tension and other forces. It's important to note that these droplets do not indicate the presence of air or water in space suits, as space suits are designed to keep astronauts safe in the vacuum of space.

What Spy Satellites Can See From Space Section 702 Intelligence Surveillance Act - https://rumble.com/v4yxrt6-what-spy-satellites-can-see-from-space-section-702-intelligence-surveillanc.html

US Warrantless Spy Satellites Surveillance Of The American People's Under Section 702 Of The Foreign And Domestic Intelligence Surveillance And Spying Act. ACLU Statement on Congress Passing Bill that Massively Expands the Government’s Power to Spy on Americans Without a Warrant. This bill would reauthorize Section 702 surveillance for two more years without any of the necessary reforms to protect Americans’ civil liberties.

How come these documentaries never go into detail about the Van Allen Belts? Like what kind of radiation? What about this radiation is lethal and will not allow us to go through it? They just make a statement and do not back it up. As far as the flag moving bit, I find it hard to believe that we would go into such intricate detail to make this look credible and overlook a majorly noticeable thing like that. As far as the footage from inside the craft, well they didn't prove or disprove anything, just formed an opinion and tried to pass it as proof. I'm not convinced we didn't go, I'm also not saying we did without a doubt goto the Moon, but this documentary provided a very weak argument.

The House of Representatives passed a bill today that will reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act for two years, expand the federal government’s power to secretly spy on Americans without a warrant, and create a new form of “extreme vetting” of people traveling to the United States.

Section 702 of the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), a warrantless surveillance law that underpins two massive internet and telephone monitoring programs, will expire on December 31, 2017, unless Congress renews it. The law enables the National Security Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and other US bodies to gather and/or search private communications without a warrant. This surveillance affects people both within the United States and in other countries.

What is Section 702 surveillance?

Section 702 of FISA allows the US government to spy on the internet and telephone communications of people both in the United States and abroad without a warrant so long as a “significant” purpose of the surveillance is to gather “foreign intelligence information.” It grew out of a George W. Bush-era secret surveillance program that monitored the international communications of people in the United States.

The law currently underpins two of the most sweeping warrantless NSA surveillance programs that collect the substance of communications by people in the US and across the globe. One is PRISM, which enables the National Security Agency (NSA), with the assistance of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), to gather and store enormous quantities of users’ communications held by internet companies such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook. The second program, known as “upstream” scanning, appears to involve automatic government searches of virtually all of the communications that flow over crucial pieces of internet infrastructure that connect the US to the rest of the world.

Originally adopted in 2008 and renewed in 2012, Section 702 will expire on December 31, 2017, unless Congress passes legislation to re-authorize it.

In authorizing massive surveillance programs and failing to put strong safeguards in place to prevent the abuse of these highly intrusive monitoring powers, the law violates the human right to privacy. It also jeopardizes free-expression rights, since people who know the government may spy on them without good reason may be less likely to express or explore controversial views or discuss sensitive personal matters.

Does the government monitor US citizens under Section 702?

Yes. Although the government cannot designate “United States persons” as the “targets” of its warrantless Section 702 monitoring, it can still capture or scan their internet or telephone conversations as part of this surveillance. “US person” is a legal term that includes US citizens and green-card holders as well as some corporations and associations.

By law, the government must adopt “targeting procedures” that are “reasonably designed” to prevent it from gathering communications that are solely between people the intelligence agencies know to be in the United States – or US persons abroad. However, this restriction leaves plenty of legal room for the government to sweep up potentially huge numbers of communications to or from Americans.

The government describes this surveillance of US persons as “incidental,” but it potentially includes a vast number of calls, e-mails, chats, text messages, and other conversations. Executive branch officials have claimed it would not be feasible for them to provide estimates of the size of this “incidental” snooping on US persons, but David Medine, who then chaired the independent Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, testified before Congress in 2016 that it is “large” and might include “family photographs, love letters, personal financial matters, discussions of physical and mental health, and political and religious exchanges.”

Human Rights Watch and others have highlighted the particular impact this “incidental” surveillance may have on immigrant and border communities in the United States. However, it may affect anyone who uses the internet or takes part in a phone call between the US and another country.

Once the government has gathered data under Section 702 for “foreign intelligence,” the FBI can search it for evidence of a criminal offense – any criminal offense. To do so, it can use search terms that identify or relate to US persons, such as their e-mail addresses. Nongovernmental groups often refer to these queries using US-person information as “backdoor searches,” since they effectively evade protections imposed by the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution. Those protections are designed to prevent abuses such as monitoring that is baseless or discriminatory, or that targets people based on their exercise of their free-expression rights.

For years, members of Congress have asked the intelligence agencies to disclose statistics that would help to explain the impact of Section 702 surveillance on Americans, but thus far the agencies have declined to provide such estimates.

Human Rights Watch has posted a separate fact sheet on how warrantless Section 702 surveillance affects people in the US.

What position does Human Rights Watch take on Section 702?

Section 702 contains several basic flaws that make it non-compliant with binding international human rights law. For example, under human rights law, government monitoring of communications must be both necessary and proportionate to achieving a legitimate goal. However, Section 702 gives the executive branch license to conduct extremely intrusive surveillance for a very broad array of potential reasons – and to search through any data it happens to capture, regardless of whether that data has anything to do with the original purpose of the surveillance.

No judge or other independent body ever signs off on the surveillance of specific individuals under the law, a situation that violates rights and increases the risk of other abuses, since executive branch activities are not subject to strict and comprehensive oversight by another branch of government. Some of these flaws are such fundamental characteristics of Section 702 that it is difficult, if not impossible, to envision any version of the law that would respect the rights of people both inside and outside the United States.

For these reasons, Human Rights Watch opposes the renewal of Section 702.

How does Section 702 surveillance work?

To carry out monitoring under Section 702, the government chooses targets, which cannot be people or entities the agencies know to be US persons. While the government is legally prohibited from selecting these targets with the real goal of conducting surveillance of a specific US person, we know little about how the government complies with this prohibition.

The government had an estimated 106,469 targets in 2016 – a 19 percent increase since 2013. An independent expert who analyzed the law in a submission to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in 2015 told the court that “not all Section 702 targets are international terrorists,” while Medine testified that a Section 702 target might be “a completely innocent businessman.”

The government may conduct its warrantless surveillance under Section 702 for a broad range of reasons. The law specifies only that a “significant” purpose of the monitoring must be to obtain “foreign intelligence information” – a term that is broadly defined and might include, for example, a discussion of a protest march in another country.

The court must approve the government’s targeting procedures as well as “minimization” procedures that are “reasonably designed” to minimize the acquisition and sharing of information about US persons, although the restrictions on the sharing of information identifying US persons have major loopholes. However, the court does not approve the government’s specific targets. In other words, no warrants are involved.

Can the government conduct this surveillance for purposes other than national security?

Yes. The government only needs to be able to show that a “significant” part of the purpose of the surveillance is to gather “foreign intelligence information.” This term is defined broadly and is not limited to matters related to national security.

According to two of the documents disclosed by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden beginning in 2013, the PRISM program has been used for purposes related to narcotics and/or other forms of “trafficking.” Using sweeping Section 702 searches to detect drug, immigration, or other activities in a manner that avoids the restrictions of warrants required by the Constitution would be disproportionate and subvert normal criminal law processes.

Can US law enforcement officers get access to Section 702 data?

Yes. The FBI can gain access to and “query” – that is, search – communications acquired under Section 702 without a warrant and even without any suspicion of wrongdoing. It can carry out these queries using terms associated with US persons, which is one reason an independent review group has alluded to the possibility that the authorities may have an “incentive … to use section 702 in an effort to gather evidence against United States persons in a way that would circumvent the underlying values of both FISA and the Fourth Amendment.”

The FBI may also share the data with other law enforcement bodies if the bureau believes it “reasonably appears to be foreign intelligence information or is necessary to understand foreign intelligence information,” or if it “reasonably appears to be evidence of a crime” – all of which are potentially broad categories.

FISA obligates the government to notify criminal defendants, among others, when it uses Section 702 data or information derived from that data in a trial or other proceeding. However, Human Rights Watch and other experts have expressed concerns that the authorities may be using undisclosed legal interpretations of key terms (such as when criminal evidence is “derived from” 702 surveillance) to avoid giving such notification. The government may also be deliberately creating alternative explanations for how evidence was found – a practice known as “parallel construction” – in order to prevent defendants from discovering the use of Section 702 data as part of the investigations in their cases. This would deprive defendants of the ability to challenge the legality of the surveillance.

Does the government make mistakes under Section 702?

The government not only makes mistakes, but has repeatedly misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court about its activities under Section 702 – a practice for which the court criticized it in 2011. In April 2017, one of the court’s judges took the NSA to task for an “institutional lack of candor” after the agency failed to inform the court promptly about searches for information about US persons that violated restrictions the court had imposed.

Government and court documents released in 2017 also revealed episodes in which the FBI improperly provided access to Section 702 data to government employees and private contractors who were not authorized to view it, as well as numerous instances in which the NSA or FBI violated court-approved rules designed to protect rights.

What does the government say Section 702 has accomplished?

The government contends that Section 702 has been “vital to keeping the nation safe,” and has revealed several examples in which it says this surveillance has helped to accomplish this goal or has otherwise advanced US interests. However, questions remain about whether the government could have used other means to achieve these aims, as well as whether these examples are truly representative of the purposes for which the intelligence agencies and the FBI use Section 702 data. The government’s selective disclosures in this respect also make its failure to provide estimates of the numbers of US persons affected by Section 702 even more striking.

Ultimately, no examples of the government’s past use of Section 702 can justify activities that violate the constitution or human rights.

What is the EU-US Privacy Shield and how does Section 702 surveillance affect it?

The Privacy Shield is a decision by the European Union’s executive branch that makes it legal for internet companies such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon to transfer users’ personal data from the EU to the US, and therefore has major commercial implications. The decision is based on a finding that the US provides adequate protections for privacy and other fundamental rights that are relevant in this area.

Since Section 702 and certain other important US surveillance authorities fall far short of human rights standards, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have concluded that the Privacy Shield is invalid.

Section 702: Why America's Warrantless Spy Law Is Drawing Bipartisan Ire in Congress. U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson has failed three times in the past five months to reauthorize a provision of a key spy power known as Section 702, with lawmakers citing reservations over how the authority empowers warrantless domestic surveillance.

Here's a look at what Section 702 does, why so many legislators want it changed, and what happens if it expires.


Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, is one of a suite of authorizations passed after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that allow American spy agencies to surveil foreigners abroad using data drawn from U.S. digital infrastructure such as internet service providers. The information is used to track enemy spies, rogue hackers and extremist militants.

The data gathered by the program, however, often includes communications to or from Americans, and can be mined by domestic law enforcement bodies such as the FBI without a warrant.

That practice has alarmed libertarian and privacy-concious lawmakers - both Republicans and Democrats. Recent revelations that the FBI used this power to hunt for information about Black Lives Matter protesters, congressional campaign donors and U.S. lawmakers have raised further doubts about the program's integrity.


Requiring a judge's sign-off on searches and surveillance is a key part of how the U.S. preserves personal liberty from potential encroachment by state power, said Jake Laperruque of the nonprofit, Washington-based Center for Democracy and Technology. Using an espionage authority aimed at foreigners to short-circuit that arrangement "just goes against the basic principle of how we balance privacy and security in this country," he said.

Overlapping congressional reform proposals would force the FBI and others to seek judicial authorization before exploiting the information gathered by the vast U.S. spy apparatus. And while there are other proposed reforms - like a ban on U.S. intelligence agencies circumventing constitutional protections by buying sensitive information on Americans from commercial data brokers - Democratic and Republican lawmakers alike have made "get a warrant" their rallying cry.

"If the warrant requirement doesn't go in the legislation, I ain't supporting it," Republican hardline congressman Jim Jordan told colleagues at a hearing in February.

Intelligence officials have bristled at the idea. Glenn Gerstell, a former general counsel of the National Security Agency, said the campaign to require warrants was misguided and dangerous.

"This would be devastating to our efforts to stop international drug trafficking, Chinese espionage on American soil and Russian ransomware gangs targeting American companies," he said.

Whatever its merits, Speaker Johnson, a Republican, has repeatedly sidelined efforts to bring the proposed reforms to a vote, instead trying to push through versions of the reauthorization bill favored by the intelligence community.


The President's Intelligence Advisory Board has said letting 702 expire would be "one of the worst intelligence failures of our time." A wholesale scrapping of the authority seems unlikely. Johnson has said "it's too important to national security" to abandon the reauthorization effort. Even critics of the bill generally favor reforms rather than scrapping the authority altogether.

Laperruque agreed that Section 702 provided value to the intelligence community, but he cautioned that it wasn't unusual for officials to dial up the hysteria when Congress threatened to water down their surveillance powers.

"We saw that on the same thing with the legislation that got pushed after the Snowden disclosures," he said, referring to U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden's revelations that the National Security Agency was secretly sweeping up millions' of Americans' phone call records and lying about it. Outraged lawmakers moved to shut it down, only to be told by the government that "it's essential, it's important, it would be a disaster for national security if we stopped the global bulk collection authority," Laperruque said. Congress pulled the plug on bulk collection anyway, "and lo and behold the sky didn't fall," he said.

So NASA Decades Old Moon Landing Hoax Is When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took their first steps on the moon in July 1969, the world was suddenly split into two categories – those who believe the Apollo 11 landings, and those who don’t. We’ll investigate both sides of this debate – in fact 52% of the British public still believe the landings were an elaborate hoax designed to trump Russia in the space race!

In this show we’ll search for a definitive answer by recreating the moon landing for ourselves, testing the various competing theories against each other. Featuring interviews with leading experts, conspiracy theorists, archive material and highly detailed reconstructions of the landing, we put this debate to bed once and for all.

NASA faked the historic Apollo 11 Moon landing footage with the help of Hollywood veteran director Stanley Kubrick, book author and filmmaker Jay Weidner has shockingly claimed. When NASA astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon on April 20, 1969, more than 500 million watched around the globe with bated breath. But the monumental moment in the history of mankind is often overshadowed by conspiracy theories claiming the Moon landing was faked. As the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing approaches, the number of conspiracist questioning NASA’s official version of events is on the rise. Mr Weidner, who directed the documentary Kubrick's Odyssey, has astonishingly claimed footage of the Apollo 11 landing was directed by Mr Kubrick. However, even more surprisingly, the filmmaker said NASA did go to the Moon – but the footage broadcast around the world was a hoax.

Stanley Kubrick Fake Apollo 11 Moon Landing Was A Hoax By The U.S.A. Government - https://rumble.com/v2s6afk-stanley-kubrick-fake-apollo-11-moon-landing-was-a-hoax-by-the-u.s.a.-govern.html

NASA faked the historic Apollo 11 Moon landing footage with the help of Hollywood veteran director Stanley Kubrick, book author and filmmaker Jay Weidner has shockingly claimed.

Flat Earth Trilogy True World & Learning Curve And Epic Deception Complete Video - https://rumble.com/v4c13d8-flat-earth-trilogy-true-world-and-learning-curve-and-epic-deception-complet.html

Flat Earth Trilogy So I'm Not Saying The Earth Is Flat Or Anything... But This Is Very Interesting Evidence and I learned a lot, just like I learned a lot with the heliocentric model and the view of the solar system. Both models are useful for purposes of history and knowledge. Biblical Flat Earth Exposing a World of Lies, Everything you know is Wrong.

“I think that physicists need to be more involved,” he says. “There’s really no excuse for us to just sit back and laugh at them. Because while we’re laughing, they are recruiting people to believe these crazy things.”

81 Government & Affiliate Documents that admit Flat Earth It's A PDF Download.


If a scientific conspiracy theory is funny, that doesn’t mean it’s a joke at all.

In astronomy, the perception that Earth is flat leads to the deduction that it must actually be flat; the antimoon, NASA conspiracy and all the rest are just rationalizations for how that might work in practice.

Those details make the flat-earthers' theory so elaborately absurd it sounds like a joke, but many of its supporters genuinely consider it a more plausible model of astronomy than the one found in textbooks. In short, they aren't kidding.

For the flat-earther convinced that all these countries put aside their political tensions in order to maintain the fiction of a spherical Earth, there are also ways to check on the planet's shape with one's own eyes. One of the simplest is to go to a harbor and watch the ships depart. As a ship disappears over the horizon, the bottom of the ship will go first, followed gradually by the mast. But if you zoom in with a 100 time zoom or a high power telescope you will see the whole ship again 20 to 30 miles away from you still in the photo... so yes the earth is flat.

NASA Admits Apollo 11 Moon Landing is a Hoax After Mentions Space Is Not Real - https://rumble.com/v3depjq-nasa-admits-apollo-11-moon-landing-is-a-hoax-after-mentions-space-is-not-re.html

NASA Admits Apollo 11 Moon Landing is a Hoax in 1976 this was the fifth crewed mission of NASA's Apollo program. All files and computer tapes are now missing and launched by a Saturn V rocket from Kennedy Space Center on Merritt Island, Florida, on July 16, 1969. The Apollo spacecraft had three parts: a command module with a cabin for the three astronauts, a service module that supported the command module with propulsion, electrical power, oxygen, and water, and a lunar module that had two stages a descent stage for landing on the Moon and an ascent stage to place the astronauts back into lunar orbit. Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969, at 20:17 UTC, and Armstrong became the first person to step onto the Moon's surface six hours and 39 minutes later, on July 21 at 02:56 UTC. All three astronauts spent 8 days, 3 hours, 18 minutes, and 35 seconds in space and traveled a total of 953,054 miles.

NASA Admits Rocket Launch Satellite Are Really Balloon Hoax Chinese Spy Balloon - https://rumble.com/v3dgrpn-nasa-admits-rocket-launch-satellite-are-really-balloon-hoax-chinese-spy-bal.html

NASA Admits Rocket Launch Satellite Are Really Balloon Hoax And Do you have a hard time convincing your friends and loved ones that NASA is fake? So do we, so we've put together this video which contains the best proofs on the internet that NASA is taking our money and used to deceive the world about what the world is. Share this video to wake everyone up to the greatest deception of our time!

NASA Admits Fake International Space Station A Global World Wide Satellite Hoax - https://rumble.com/v3dm5uj-nasa-admits-fake-international-space-station-a-global-world-wide-satellite-.html

NASA Admits Its All Fake National Aeronautics and Space Administration On July 29, 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act into law, establishing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), a civilian agency responsible for coordinating America's activities in space. The agency absorbed the earlier National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), which was a U.S. federal agency founded on March 3, 1915, to undertake, promote, and institutionalize aeronautical research. NASA has since sponsored space expeditions, both human and mechanical, that have yielded vital information about the solar system and universe. During the 1960s, NASA started its space science and interplanetary probe program, with the Mariner program being its flagship program, launching probes to Venus, Mars, and Mercury in the 1960s. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory was the lead NASA center for robotic interplanetary exploration, making significant discoveries about the inner planets.

NASA Admits Faking Space Part 1 The Space Program Is Faked Yes It's A Conspiracy - https://rumble.com/v3dqlbc-nasa-admits-faking-space-part-1-the-space-program-is-faked-yes-its-a-conspi.html

NASA Admits Faking Space Part 1 The Space Program and shows provable deception in the space program. NASA is a corrupt government organization. It gets worse. NASA was started to create the illusion of going into so-called (non-existent) "outer space". The truth is that no one or nothing has ever been to the fantasy known as "outer space".

NASA has successfully launched 166 crewed flights, but three have ended in failure, causing the deaths of seventeen crew members in total: Apollo 1, STS-51-L (the Challenger disaster) killed seven crew members in 1986, and STS-107 (the Columbia disaster) killed seven more in 2003. The accomplishments of Apollo are among humankind's greatest, with six missions landing men on the moon between 1969 and 1972, the only time humans have ventured onto another celestial body. However, the program was marred by NASA's first tragedy on the ground (Apollo 1) and a near tragedy in space (Apollo 13).

NASA Admits Faking Space Part 2 Bonus Proof Stephen Hawking Is A Fraud Conspiracy - https://rumble.com/v3dssxw-nasa-admits-faking-space-part-2-bonus-proof-stephen-hawking-is-a-fraud-cons.html

NASA Admits Faking Space Part 2 The Space Program and shows provable deception in the space program. NASA is a corrupt government organization. It gets worse. NASA was started to create the illusion of going into so-called (non-existent) "outer space". The truth is that no one or nothing has ever been to the fantasy known as "outer space".

NASA Admits To Best Fails And NASA Fraud Compilation Unrefuted Proof Of Wires - https://rumble.com/v3dxnnb-nasa-admits-to-best-fails-and-nasa-fraud-compilation-unrefuted-proof-of-wir.html

There's a lot more proof of deception out there, but I wanted to compile the most obvious ones and keep them in one place. I'm discovering that a lot of the original links to such footage are no longer working as they are being deleted. The footage is from space channels, so they aren't just targeting truther channels with the deletion of entire channels. I will post the most up to date links, but some of the originals are gone.


One giant ... lie? Why so many people still think the moon landings were faked.


Real ISS Space Station Maniac Conspiracy Theorists Think It Is Actually Underwater ! - https://rumble.com/v4c47q9-real-iss-space-station-maniac-conspiracy-theorists-think-it-is-actually-und.html

The Real International Space Station Program brings together international flight crews, multiple launch vehicles, globally distributed launch and flight operations, training, engineering, and development facilities, communications networks, and the international scientific research community. The International Space Station (ISS) is a 460-ton, permanently crewed platform orbiting 250 miles above Earth. It took 10 years and more than 30 missions to assemble, resulting in unprecedented scientific and engineering collaboration among five space agencies representing 15 countries.

Real Hubble Telescope Repair Mission Is Not Real Conspiracy Theorists NASA-SOFIA - https://rumble.com/v4chck3-real-hubble-telescope-repair-mission-is-not-real-conspiracy-theorists-nasa-.html

So Is The Real Hubble Telescope Repair Mission True Or Is It Not Real ? Embark on an extraordinary journey through the captivating saga of the Under Water Hubble Space Telescope Pool ?, from its ambitious launch to the critical repairs in fake space. Explore the story of a tiny flaw that led to blurred images and the heroic efforts of astronauts to rescue this iconic telescope. It's a remarkable tale of human ingenuity, unwavering perseverance, and the relentless quest to unravel the universe's deepest mysteries.

Real Hubble Telescope Conspiracy Theorists Think It's Actually NASA-SOFIA Airplane - https://rumble.com/v4cmncu-real-hubble-telescope-conspiracy-theorists-think-its-actually-nasa-sofia-ai.html

Real Hubble Telescope Conspiracy Theorists Think Why is it that NASA has a plane called SOFIA in the sky with a telescope that can see much more into space than the famously known Hubble? Let’s start with Hubble: The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope is a space telescope (surprise!) in low-Earth orbit, launched into space in 1990 - it is a cooperation between NASA and the European Space Agency ESA. It has a 2.4-metre mirror and instruments to observe the Universe in the ultraviolet, the optical and the near infrared. Using Hubble astronomers were able to peer into the distant Universe - much further than with any other telescope.

Secret Behind Hubble's 100 Incredible Gorgeous Space Photoshop Extraordinary Etc. - https://rumble.com/v4cqa7i-secret-behind-hubbles-100-incredible-gorgeous-space-photoshop-extraordinary.html

The Secret Behind All Of NASA's Gorgeous Space Photos Glowing, Whirling, Pinwheeling Wonder That Is The Spiral Galaxy! Bursts of gas & cosmic dust form one of the most iconic forms of Galaxies. Here's a look at a beautiful spiral galaxy, located 30 million light-years away in the constellation From the glossy, high-res photos, you'd think outer space is a diamond-studded smear of billowing clouds, mixing together like slick oil and rain in a swirling gutter with glass shards and flecks of concrete.

All 6 Apollo Landing Sites Through My Telescope Moon Landing Was A Hoax U.S.A. - https://rumble.com/v4cshlc-all-6-apollo-landing-sites-through-my-telescope-moon-landing-was-a-hoax-u.s.html

All 6 Apollo Landing Sites Evidence NASA Faked Apollo Moon Landing Hoax and Since its founding in 1958, NASA has pushed the boundaries of scientific and technical limits to explore the unknown for all the citizens of our planet. Discover the history of our human spaceflight, science, technology, and aeronautics programs.

Evidence NASA Faked Apollo Moon Landing Hoax How They Do It Complete Video - https://rumble.com/v48btzf-evidence-nasa-faked-apollo-moon-landing-hoax-how-they-do-it-complete-video.html

Evidence NASA Faked Apollo Moon Landing Hoax and Since its founding in 1958, NASA has pushed the boundaries of scientific and technical limits to explore the unknown for all the citizens of our planet. Discover the history of our human spaceflight, science, technology, and aeronautics programs.

Sorry Antarctica We're Closed Our Hidden Flat Earth This Area Is As Big As U.S.A. - https://rumble.com/v3e0jrw-sorry-antarctica-were-closed-our-hidden-flat-earth-this-area-is-as-big-as-u.html

Sorry Antarctica We're Closed Our Hidden Flat Earth This Area Admiral Byrd: “An Area As Big As The United States on the Other Side of the South Pole” According most flat earthers, there’s no such thing as the continent of Antarctica. In their imagination, Antarctica is not a continent, but a long ice wall enclosing the Earth. Without having anything to prove that assumption, they look anywhere for any quote they can mine and stumbled into this quote by Admiral Byrd “Strangely enough, there is left in the world today, an area as big as the United States, that’s never been seen by a human being. And that’s beyond the pole, on the other side of the south pole from Little America.”

Magnetic Stone Rupes Nigra Huge Magnetic Rock 180km In Diameter At North Pole - https://rumble.com/v3e220t-magnetic-stone-rupes-nigra-huge-magnetic-rock-180km-in-diameter-at-north-po.html

This Is A Very Rare And Top Secrets Real Video From M.I.R. Space Station of the North Pole Septentrionalium Terrarum descriptio - Magnetic Stone The Rupes Nigra ("Black Rock") 1595 First Edition Mercator Map of the Arctic (1st Map of the North Pole) Hello my friends. this is an ancient map of the north pole. The North Pole as a magnetic mountain goes back at least to Roman times. the North Pole as a magnetic mountain surrounded by a circular continent divided by four powerful rivers from maps Martin Behaim's 1492 globe shows, at the arctic pole there is a high magnetic rock, thirty-three German miles in circumference. A surging sea surrounds this rock, as if the water were discharged downward from a vase through an opening. Around it are islands, two of which are inhabited."

Why Huge Magnetic Rock North Pole Magnetic Stone An Arctic Timeline 1496-1962 - https://rumble.com/v3e30gf-why-huge-magnetic-rock-north-pole-magnetic-stone-an-arctic-timeline-1496-19.html

Why Huge Magnetic Rock North Pole Septentrionalium Terrarum descriptio - Magnetic Stone The Rupes Nigra ("Black Rock") 1595 First Edition Mercator Map of the Arctic (1st Map of the North Pole) Hello my friends. this is an ancient map of the north pole. The North Pole as a magnetic mountain goes back at least to Roman times. the North Pole as a magnetic mountain surrounded by a circular continent divided by four powerful rivers from maps Martin Behaim's 1492 globe shows, at the arctic pole there is a high magnetic rock, thirty-three German miles in circumference. A surging sea surrounds this rock, as if the water were discharged downward from a vase through an opening. Around it are islands, two of which are inhabited."

Global History Of Communications and Satellite Hoax History Of Communications - https://rumble.com/v29oj62-global-history-of-communications-and-satellite-hoax-history-of-communicatio.html

The Earth’s temperature range in Fahrenheit is from 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit (2,000 degrees Celsius) in the uppermost atmosphere to a global average temperature of around 59 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius) near the surface.

The Satellite Melting Points Is ? ? ? - So 2000 Celsius = Is 3632 Fahrenheit and Layers of Atmosphere & High Radiation and Satellite Radiation Melting Points.
How to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit ? 0 degrees Celsius is equal to 32 degrees Fahrenheit: 0 °C = 32 °F The temperature T in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) is equal to the temperature T in degrees Celsius (°C) times 9/5 plus 32, that conversion formula.

Welcome to the Satellite Hoax Man - Excellent Music an Video from Flat Earth Man - https://rumble.com/v29orjq-welcome-to-the-satellite-hoax-man-excellent-music-an-video-from-flat-earth-.html

Welcome to the Satellite Hoax is an English language song and is sung by conspiracy music guru. Welcome to the Satellite Hoax, from the album Flat Earth Man, was released in the year 2018. The duration of the song is 5:48.

Many of the technologies that we assume are space based, are in reality ground based systems. We've had the ability for a very long time to send messages across vast distances. We are not using space based equipment for the internet, nor for telecommunications, but we do use fiber optic and transatlantic cables, massive RF Towers, and bounce signals off of the atmosphere like with HAM radio signals. Space is fake, satellites are a hoax, and not what we are told they are. Nasa is a fraud of the highest order.

Excellent & entertaining video Thoroughly enjoyed this video Question to Flat Earthers If we follow your flat earth model, who has the further distance from Earth the Sun or the Moon? If the Sun is far from Earth than the Moon, will you please explain the Lunar Eclipse phenomenon? If the Moon is far from Earth than the Sun, will you please explain the Solar Eclipse occurrence? If the Sun and the Moon have equal distance from Earth, why they didn’t collide?

We can leave such persons to ponder the swirling of the water in their sinks and bathtubs—swirling that reverses direction when we cross the equator.


According to some UFO conspiracists, the Black Knight is an artificial satellite of extraterrestrial origin that has orbited Earth for approximately 13,000 years.

Flat Earth Vs. Round Earth Vs. Black Knight Satellite Vs. Fermi Paradox The Great Debate - https://rumble.com/v3tkujr-flat-earth-vs.-round-earth-vs.-black-knight-satellite-vs.-fermi-paradox-the.html

Who’s Telling Truth About The Firmament On Earth Quran Or Bible Or Waters Above - https://rumble.com/v3nxzhl-whos-telling-truth-about-the-firmament-on-earth-quran-or-bible-or-waters-ab.html

Who’s Telling Truth About The Firmament On Earth And Sun Moon Luminaries Part 2 - https://rumble.com/v3o0bk9-whos-telling-truth-about-the-firmament-on-earth-and-sun-moon-luminaries-par.html

Ultimate Field Guide 82 Extraterrestrial Species Iceberg Explained Alleged Alien Races


In the story of the abduction and encounters with alien beings or humanoids in the history of ufology, there are, as reported by the various reports of the various police and military who are interested in the subject, lists of different types of beings who should represent various civilizations do not belong to the human, who were either vengoino still in touch with people on our planet.

Taboo Conspiracy Of Nature's True Flat Earth Real Time 40 Schemes From N.A.S.A.


Taboo Conspiracy and Other Video's Removed by ? Those channels have since been silenced by ? the other censor's and Nazis at Alphabet. lot's of people have provides time and time again, the very best proofs of our flat world, tests and experiments that completely debunk the heliocentric fantasy, and is also personally responsible for exposing the fakery in every supposed 24/7 sun in Antarctica video. He has certainly opened hundreds of thousands of people’s eyes to our false reality and for that, I’m proud to share his work here at new world order year zero.

Flat Earth 21 Questions And Answers Proving Stranger's Guide And Course Flat Earth


Proving Stranger's Guide And Course Flat Earth A comprehensive beginners course that thoroughly explains the answers to 21 of the most frequently asked questions about flat earth. Journey through the list from beginning to end while all the "loose ends" are tied up by the time it's over. Share with you friends, family and loved ones. The #earth is most definitely #flat and it is important for us to understand.

Stanley Kubrick Fake Apollo 11 Moon Landing Was A Hoax By The U.S.A. Government


NASA faked the historic Apollo 11 Moon landing footage with the help of Hollywood veteran director Stanley Kubrick, book author and filmmaker Jay Weidner has shockingly claimed. When NASA astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon on April 20, 1969, more than 500 million watched around the globe with bated breath. But the monumental moment in the history of mankind is often overshadowed by conspiracy theories claiming the Moon landing was faked. As the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing approaches, the number of conspiracist questioning NASA’s official version of events is on the rise. Mr Weidner, who directed the documentary Kubrick's Odyssey, has astonishingly claimed footage of the Apollo 11 landing was directed by Mr Kubrick. However, even more surprisingly, the filmmaker said NASA did go to the Moon – but the footage broadcast around the world was a hoax.

NASA Admits Fake International Space Station A Global World Wide Satellite Hoax


Flat Earth Vs. Round Earth 8 Ways Life Would Get Weird On A Flat Earth Conspiracy


Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball What The Hell Happened 200 Times Collection


Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball When a photo of spherical Earth is pointed out to flat-earthers, they will dismiss it as CGI in the blink of an eye; even if they haven’t done any analysis at all. They do this because their belief in flat-Earth is not evidence-based, and any evidence contrary to their beliefs needs to be invalidated no matter how. They are so used to doing it, and sometimes they become confused by it themselves, to the point that they would take the slightest hint of digital manipulation of any picture of the Earth as evidence of the flat Earth.

Flat Earth 101 Channel - Episode 14 - Eclipse Of Fantasy - (Gerhana Fantasi)


This is the number 1 question? - Flat Earthers hear, why would anyone go through this elaborate hoax? - The powers that be want to hide the truth of our existence at all costs as they do not want to have anyone/anything else in higher power than themselves. The majority of people believe they are descendants.

NASA Admits Faking Space Part 1 The Space Program Is Faked Yes It's A Conspiracy


NASA Admits Faking Space Part 1 The Space Program and shows provable deception in the space program. NASA is a corrupt government organization. It gets worse. NASA was started to create the illusion of going into so-called (non-existent) "outer space". The truth is that no one or nothing has ever been to the fantasy known as "outer space".

NASA Admits Faking Space Part 2 Bonus Proof Stephen Hawking Is A Fraud Conspiracy


NASA Admits Faking Space Part 2 The Space Program and shows provable deception in the space program. NASA is a corrupt government organization. It gets worse. NASA was started to create the illusion of going into so-called (non-existent) "outer space". The truth is that no one or nothing has ever been to the fantasy known as "outer space".

After Atomic World War 3 Is Over Creation Of The Humanoids AI Robots Futura Lives


What would happen to planet earth if the human race were to suddenly disappear forever? Would ecosystems thrive? What remnants of our industrialized world would survive? What would crumble fastest? Life After People is a television series on which scientists, structural engineers, and other experts speculate about what might become of Earth should humanity instantly disappear.

Flat Earth Trilogy True World & Learning Curve And Epic Deception Complete Video - https://rumble.com/v4c13d8-flat-earth-trilogy-true-world-and-learning-curve-and-epic-deception-complet.html

Flat Earth Trilogy So I'm Not Saying The Earth Is Flat Or Anything. But This Is Very Interesting Evidence and I learned a lot, just like I learned a lot with the heliocentric model.

The number of pics allegedly taken by the Apollo astronauts during Extra Vehicular Activity on the moon were carefully studied by this photographic analyst for more than three years and when that number was divided by the documented hours and minutes each mission spent doing EVAs on the moon, the obvious conclusion was that it could not have been done. The photo specialist states:

Here is my actual count of EVA photos of the six missions:

Apollo 11........... 121
Apollo 12........... 504
Apollo 14........... 374
Apollo 15..........1021
Apollo 16..........1765
Apollo 17..........1986

So 12 astronauts while on the Moon's surface took a TOTAL of 5771 exposures.


That seemed excessively large to me, considering that their TIME on the lunar surface was limited, and the astronauts. Unlike the number of photos, this information is readily available:

Apollo 11........1 EVA .....2 hours, 31 minutes......(151 minutes)
Apollo 12........2 EVAs.....7 hours, 50 minutes......(470 minutes)
Apollo 14........2 EVAs.....9 hours, 25 minutes......(565 minutes)
Apollo 15........3 EVAs...18 hours, 30 minutes....(1110 minutes)
Apollo 16........3 EVAs...20 hours, 14 minutes....(1214 minutes)
Apollo 17........3 EVAs...22 hours, 04 minutes....(1324 minutes)

Total minutes on the Moon amounted to 4834 minutes.
Total number of photographs taken was 5771 photos.

He goes on to break it down by mission:

Apollo 11........one photo every 15 seconds
Apollo 12........one photo every 27 seconds
Apollo 14........one photo every 62 seconds
Apollo 15........one photo every 44 seconds
Apollo 16........one photo every 29 seconds
Apollo 17........one photo every 26 seconds

So you decide. Given all the facts, was it possible to take that many photos in so short a time?

Any professional photographer will tell you it cannot be done. Virtually every photo was a different scene or in a different place, requiring travel. As much as 30 miles travel was required to reach some of the photo sites.

Global History Of Communications and Satellite Hoax History Of Communications - https://rumble.com/v29oj62-global-history-of-communications-and-satellite-hoax-history-of-communicatio.html

The Earth’s temperature range in Fahrenheit is from 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit (2,000 degrees Celsius) in the uppermost atmosphere to a global average temperature of around 59 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius) near the surface.
The Satellite Melting Points Is ? ? ? - So 2000 Celsius = Is 3632 Fahrenheit and Layers of Atmosphere & High Radiation and Satellite Radiation Melting Points.

How to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit ? 0 degrees Celsius is equal to 32 degrees Fahrenheit: 0 °C = 32 °F The temperature T in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) is equal to the temperature T in degrees Celsius (°C) times 9/5 plus 32, that conversion formula.

Celsius Celsius, also known as centigrade, is a unit of measurement for temperature. The degree Celsius (symbol: °C) can refer to a specific temperature on the Celsius scale as well as a unit to indicate a temperature interval, a difference between two temperatures or an uncertainty. In 1948, the 9th CGPM and the CIPM formally adopted "degree Celsius".

Fahrenheit : Fahrenheit (symbol: °F) is a unit of measurement for temperature. In most countries during the mid to late 20th century, the Fahrenheit scale was replaced by the Celsius scale. However, it remains the official scale of the United States, Cayman Islands and Belize.

So The Melting Points of Metals Like A Satellite Hoax or A Tesla Electric Vehicles?

Metals are known for their ability to withstand extreme conditions. Heavy loads, nonstop cycling, high impact, caustic environments and even high temperatures. Furnaces, combustion engines, jet engines, ignition nozzles, high-speed machinery, and exhaust systems are consistently subjected to temperatures that can cause certain metal types to melt. When selecting a metal for a high temperature application, several different temperature points need to be evaluated, and one of the most critical temperatures to know is the melting temperature of the metal.

What is the Melting Temperature of Metals?
A metal’s melting temperature, more scientifically known as the melting point, is the temperature that a metal begins to transform from a solid phase into a liquid phase. At the melting temperature, the solid phase and liquid phase of a metal exist in equilibrium. Once this temperature is achieved, heat can be continuously added to the metal, however this will not raise the overall temperature. Once the metal is completely in the liquid phase, additional heat will again continue to raise the temperature of the metal.

Why is the Metal Melting Temperature Important?
There are many important temperatures that a metal reaches as it is heated through either a metalworking process or as a result of the application, but the melting temperature of a metal is one of the most important.

One reason the melting temperature is so important is because of the component failure that can occur once a metal reaches its melting temperature. Metal failure may happen before the melting point, but when a metal reaches its melting temperature and begins to become a liquid, it will no longer serve its intended purpose. For instance, if a furnace component begins to melt, the furnace will no longer function if the component is important enough. If a jet engine fuel nozzle melts, the orifices will clog and may render the engine useless. It is important to note that other types of metal failure such as creep-induced fractures may occur well before the melting temperature is reached, and research needs to be done beforehand on the effect of the various temperatures to which a metal will be subjected.

Another reason why the melting temperature of a metal is so important is that metals are most formable when they are liquid. Metals are heated to their melting temperatures for many different manufacturing processes. Smelting, fusion welding, and casting all require metals to be liquids in order to be performed. When performing a manufacturing process where the metal is going to be melted, it is important to know the temperature at which that will happen so that the appropriate materials for the equipment being used can be selected. For instance, a welding gun must be able to withstand the ambient heat of an electrical arc and molten metal. Casting equipment such as dies must have a higher melting temperature than the metal being cast.
Melting Temperatures of Common Metals
These are the melting temperatures of common metal types:
Aluminum: 660°C (1220°F)
Brass: 930°C (1710°F)
Aluminum Bronze*: 1027-1038°C (1881-1900°F)
Chromium: 1860°C (3380°F)
Copper: 1084°C (1983°F)
Gold: 1063°C (1945°F)
Inconel*: 1390-1425°C (2540-2600°F)
Cast Iron: 1204°C (2200°F)
Lead: 328°C (622°F)
Molybdenum: 2620°C (4748°F)
Nickel: 1453°C (2647°F)
Platinum: 1770°C (3218°F)
Silver: 961°C (1762°F)
Carbon Steel*: 1425-1540°C (2597-2800°F)
Stainless Steel*: 1375 – 1530°C (2500-2785°F)
Titanium: 1670°C (3038°F)
Tungsten: 3400°C (6152°F)
Zinc: 420°C (787°F)
*Alloys have more than one element, therefore their melting temperature is a range that is dependent on the alloy composition.

Earth's Atmospheric Layers is
The troposphere starts at the Earth's surface and extends 8 to 14.5 kilometers high (5 to 9 miles). This part of the atmosphere is the most dense. Almost all weather is in this region.

The stratosphere starts just above the troposphere and extends to 50 kilometers (31 miles) high. The ozone layer, which absorbs and scatters the solar ultraviolet radiation, is in this layer.

The mesosphere starts just above the stratosphere and extends to 85 kilometers (53 miles) high. Meteors burn up in this layer

The thermosphere starts just above the mesosphere and extends to 600 kilometers (372 miles) high. Aurora and satellites occur in this layer.

The ionosphere is an abundant layer of electrons and ionized atoms and molecules that stretches from about 48 kilometers (30 miles) above the surface to the edge of space at about 965 km (600 mi), overlapping into the mesosphere and thermosphere. This dynamic region grows and shrinks based on solar conditions and divides further into the sub-regions: D, E and F; based on what wavelength of solar radiation is absorbed. The ionosphere is a critical link in the chain of Sun-Earth interactions. This region is what makes radio communications possible.

This is the upper limit of our atmosphere. It extends from the top of the thermosphere up to 10,000 km (6,200 mi).

How come these documentaries never go into detail about the Van Allen Belts? Like what kind of radiation? What about this radiation is lethal and will not allow us to go through it? They just make a statement and do not back it up. As far as the flag moving bit, I find it hard to believe that we would go into such intricate detail to make this look credible and overlook a majorly noticeable thing like that. As far as the footage from inside the craft, well they didn't prove or disprove anything, just formed an opinion and tried to pass it as proof. I'm not convinced we didn't go, I'm also not saying we did without a doubt go to the Moon, but this documentary provided a very weak argument.

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