Jesus said Judge NOT?

2 months ago

A common church lie is saying ‘we must not judge others.’ Religious people say this to protect the sinful behavior of themselves and their own people. They claim it is not Christ-like to point out and avoid lying preachers or sinning church people. But is that what Jesus meant when He said “judge not”? There are 3 instances in the Bible where Jesus used the exact phrase “judge not.” But He was not telling his followers to stop judging all others. Jesus was warning people to judge NOT as the unrighteous, to judge NOT as the hypocrite, to judge NOT as the unmerciful. In John 7:24 Jesus said, “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” In this very sentence that He said “judge not,” Jesus also makes clear we ought to judge—the point is to be just, merciful, truthful when judging. It is particularly important to judge those who claim to be servants of God, or claim to be fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, to discern if what they say is true. Who you include in your spiritual fellowship can either help or hinder your spiritual growth. So, Jesus teaches his followers to judge righteous judgment according to other’s fruits, works, deeds.

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00:00 ‘Must not judge others’ is a Church LIE
02:07 Letter KILLETH, but the Spirit giveth LIFE
04:24 Judge RIGHTEOUS Judgement
07:19 Judge NOT according to APPEARANCE, Judge NOT as HYPOCRITE
10:45 KNOW them by their FRUITS
12:58 PUT AWAY the Wicked
16:04 Judge NOT as the UNMERCIFUL
20:09 Follow Jesus to Judge Righteous Judgement

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