The Truth About the Dinosaurs (Guest: "Dino" Dave Woetzel, Genesis Park)

2 months ago

Is the subject of the dinosaurs a point of difficulty for Christians? Do they call into question the literal creation-week narrative in Genesis? Does this prove the Bible is wrong? Is there a side to this whole story that you won't hear any mention of in the mainstream? Is the theory of evolution a solidly-proven-fact, or are there counter-points that call its validity into question?

In this video, "Dino" Dave Woetzel of Genesis Park joins me to answer these questions and discuss the truth about the dinosaurs! We will explore questions such as the following: Is there evidence that shows that humans and dinosaurs lived contemporaneously? Do the ancient cultures report seeing these creatures? Did they preserve these accounts not only in their histories and writings, but also in their artwork? Does the Bible mention dinosaurs? Do modern discoveries of soft tissue in dinosaur bones lean in favor of long-age extinction, or "recent" existence? And is it possible that some dinosaurs may still exist today in remote jungles?

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❖ _The Missing Key in Dispensational Eschatology_ ▶
❖ _The Book of Revelation - A Study Guide_ ▶

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