Dems Face Criticism For Holding Onto "Mommy & Daddy" Leadership

14 days ago

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

The critics where it comes to, hell, I don't even know, what am I gonna call it? The new Democratic leadership is the same as the old Democratic leadership. And the critics are saying, what the hell? You have useless leadership that put the Dems where they are today. You were responsible for that, Schumer. You were responsible for that, Pelosi. And now, like a bunch of lemmings, all the Democrat rank and file says, yeah, we're gonna put 'em in charge again. What is that about? Why is it the Democrats are so incapable of saying bye Hillary Clinton, goodbye Nancy Pelosi, goodbye Schumer? Let's have some new blood in here. Why are they incapable? It's almost like they're dependent on daddy kind of mentality. You're a Democrat. I know you don't think like that, but I'll tell you if I'm to sum it up, that's the way it looks to me.
Top fundraisers, that's what they do.
That's what Schumer is in the Senate. That's what Pelosi is in the House. We are the people that bring in the money.
Well, now talk about that. Go into a lot of detail. In other words, they hold power according to your theory because they bring in so much money that you don't want to offend Nancy Pelosi or Schumer because you might not have enough money for your race. And in that you let them destroy the whole frigging political party because that's what they've done.
Yeah. So what happens is that obviously Pelosi, Schumer have been there for decades and over time you build these relationships, not with your constituents, with the donors. You get to know all the lobbyists. You get to know everybody that has a checkbook. So whenever the party is in trouble, hey, we got an election, we're running a hundred million behind the Republicans, Nancy, Chuck, please make your phone calls. And they do. They make their phone calls, they get the money. And it's the same thing on the right.
Used to be Harry Reid was the go-to guy. Right?
Right. He really was and that's why they kept him so long. And so they have to keep these people in leadership. Not because they're good leaders, but because they're money people.
Good fundraiser.
When they don't even realize that, listen, they're only calling Democratic donors. Any idiot that's a Democrat in Congress could make the same phone call and have probably the same results. You could have Elizabeth Warren make the phone calls, but she wouldn't because she has standards.
Okay. So that is, I believe you're right. I believe that really is inside baseball right there. But let's go outside inside baseball. And I still ask the question, why is it that the Democratic party is so willing to operate in this system autocracy where you have the people making decisions for you and you know they're the wrong decisions because you just lived through it? You just saw the beat down election that just took place and you still say, yeah, these are our people. They made really good decisions. What the hell? They're like, it's like lemmings going off a cliff. And I tell you what, I know that Republicans are doing the same thing, but it seems like laser focused problems for the Democrats.
It really is because you bring up the best point here. We just got our butts kicked. There is no way to sugarcoat that. There is no way to pretend that November was awesome for the Democratic party. The public openly rejected us and embraced the convicted felon instead of you. You have to look at yourself and realize where all did we go wrong? And it terrifies me that they aren't doing any of that. Let's put the same people back in charge. Let's keep the same people in charge of the DNC, although I do think they're actually gonna get rid of Harrison, which is great because he has been a disaster.
His only qualification was that he ran against Lindsey Graham. Got his kicked. But he raised a lot of money. That is what it was.
Farron, you are so, you are the best voice the Democratic party could have. I mean, not to say you don't go after them when you need to go after them, but you're the best voice.
They need to be smacked around right now.
So, you deal with all these folks that are out there, how are they justifying this? I mean, what are they saying, this is a great idea?

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