Mind-Mapping Nano-Tech Existed 60 Years Ago: They Are Decieving You

2 months ago

Dr. Rauni Kilde was killed by nano-tech and medical-Mafia... She exposed to the public that Brain-interfaces could bio-robot humans which Hollywood turned into a "Rambo" movie starring Luciferian-Sylvester, the unstoppable soldier. https://ugetube.com/watch/dr-rauni-kilde-interview-about-brain-chip-rambo-chip-nwo-and-medical-mafia_ZAUyjqZzr94s29n.html

In the early '70s, Dr. Colin Ross exposed California's Freemasons began experimenting upon convicted prisoners(likely including some innocent targeted-individuals who blew the whistle back when sheeple were more oblivious than after the clot-shot scamdemic). https://ugetube.com/watch/cia-manchurian-candidates-brainchip_d8sFp7sxnNGBYnm.html

It has taken me 20 years of non-stop research to get to the level where I realized that Luciferians are hiding an ancient technologically-advanced species smoke-screening them with ETaliens... these bad-guys look alot like humans but skinny, large blue eyes and very treacherously intelligent.

The Remnant-Lumanians had A.i. supercomputers that acted like fake-gods millions of years ago... humans have existed a little more than 1/10th million years. Where the cataclysms that destroyed Homo capensis control over Earth and humanity started 11,000 years starting with the great iceage where Earth was capture into the Sun's third obit(the goldielocks zone for life. Most of the planets and moons that have few craters and frozen water is just the same fate that Earth would have experienced if the 3rd orbit was not achieved.

Within the Creator-God's multidimensional universe, some probable world would have seen the Homo capensis perish while Homo sapiens survived with no Mystery School cUlt genociding our species off the planet. So why are you here and not in that probable world? You are trying to develop a worthy soul-fragment into a worthy spiritual-soul and not very many fragments make it to entity-ship. They either destroy their precious fragment by resorting to murder and/or genocide.

Homo capensis made the "Jehovah" fake-god that radiated commands from the "Eye of Providence" to instruct brainchipped humans what tasks they needed to perform in order to eat and sleep without touch-less, A.i. torture.

So understand that this video is mostly lies...
just like Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombed rather than nuked: https://ugetube.com/watch/japan-and-usa-traitors-colluded-to-fake-peril-harbor-039-s-surprize-and-hiroshima-fake-nuke_8dbuyVQYoMayvVu.html

Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/what-if-we-had-working-quantum-computers-today/vi-AA1vZByw

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