Rahan. Episode 132. By Roger Lecureux. The "Dogs that Kill." A Puke (TM) Comic.

2 months ago


Source of Rahan Comics:
Philippe Ropers.


Episode One Hundred and Thirty Two.

Son of the Ferocious Ages!

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Andre Cheret.

The "Dogs that Kill."

What are you waiting for to attack!?
So you are as cowardly as those dogs who only feed on corpses!

For perhaps the hundredth time, the son of Crao relaunched his defense.
But in vain!

Page Two.

The herd of wolves that had been tracking him for two days remained cautiously at a distance, hidden in the undergrowth.
You are three times more numerous than the fingers on both hands.

But you are afraid!
Although exhausted by this interminable hunt where he was the game, Rahan took a few steps towards the wolves who retreated just as much.

Rahan is scared too! But we have to end this!
You hear, "Dogs-that-kill."
We have to end this! Attack!

This challenge, like all the others, found no echo.
But, as soon as the man set off again the pack moved, clinging to his steps!

And it had been like this for two days!
Since the previous dawn, the son of Crao had been tracked, surrounded, hunted by these wolves who refused to fight.

The "Dogs-Who-Kill" will wait until Rahan is exhausted to pounce on him and slit his throat!

At first, he had only been followed by a single she-wolf, who was soon joined by a large male.
Page Three.

Then others joined this couple, then others still.
Rahan can still escape the "Dogs-Who-Kill" by the way of the "Four-Hands"!

Fluttering from tree to tree, he had hoped ten times to escape the pack.
Ten times they had found him!
Here they are again!

This anxious chase had lasted all day!
Rahan "crawls on water" better than "Dogs that kill"! If he found a river, he would be safe!

He had neither found a river nor thrown off the disturbing herd which was resurfacing everywhere and always!
Rahan's powers abandon him!

Exhausted, he had no choice but to remain huddled in the branches, in the hollow of a fork.
The "Dogs-Who-Kill" will not let go of their prey! And their prey. It is Rahan!

The pack besieging his refuge, the son of Crao had not been able to sleep for a single moment.

Rahan will not be able to stay in the territory of the "Four-hands" forever!
If he does not drink, if he does not eat, he will be weakened.
And the "Dogs-who-kill" will all throw themselves on him, to tear him to pieces!
All night he had smelled the wolves, guessing they were lurking in the undergrowth.

Sometimes glimpsing their shining eyes in the darkness.

Page Four.

At dawn, tormented by hunger and thirst, exhausted by this long vigil, he had set off again.
And the silent herd, once again, had clung to his footsteps!

They are waiting! They are waiting for the moment when Rahan will be unable to resist them!

He found no source. And the game, scared by the pack whose scents signaled its approach, had fled this territory.

Fatigue forced him to take several breaks. The wolves, resisting the gap, also stopped moving.
Make up your mind, "Dogs-that-kill"! Attack!

And they started tracking the man again as soon as he started moving again!
These cursed "Dogs" are tenacious and patient! They know that Rahan, sooner or later, will be at their mercy!

The wolves, on this second day, were still clinging to their prey.
They remained at a prudent distance.

Page Five.

When he did not see them, the son of Crao guessed them slipping into the undergrowth, behind him, on his flanks, sometimes in front of him.

He was so tired that he could no longer take the "Four-Hands" path.
Rahan will join you soon in the "Shadow Kingdom," Crao!

Horrible thoughts assailed him. He imagined himself being struck down by the pack, torn to pieces by the "Dogs-who-kill" fighting over his flesh!

Rahan should never have been so reckless as to touch their young!

He relived his encounter with these two young wolf cubs who had been panicked by his approach.
Do not run away! Rahan means no harm to the little "Dogs-Who-Kill"!

He saw again these wolf cubs trotting towards the river, unconsciously taking refuge on this pile of floating rushes.
No! No! Come back! Quick! Quick!

Page Six.

He saw again this "island" of dead reeds breaking away from the bank, carried away by the current.
It was Rahan who scared them! If they get eaten by the waterfall, it will be his fault!

He relived his terrible struggle to catch up with this "raft" of reeds which.

Carried the terrified cubs to certain death.

Rahan will save you, stupid little "Dogs-Who-Kill."

At the cost of incredible efforts, he had succeeded before the fatal action.
To deliver the raft of reeds, to bring it back to the bank.
You are far from your territory.
But your people will find you soon!

The son of Crao was unaware that a large, panting and growling she-wolf had been watching his every move.

And he did not know that this she-wolf was the first one who had chased him.
Before being joined by her pack!

Page Seven.

This distressing hunt had been going on since the day before, without any respite!
Rahan is. Exhausted! And night is about to fall.
Calm, "Spotted Skin," Calm.
This. This shelter is big enough for.
Both of us!

The jaguar had pounced on the intruder.
By Surprise.

Rahan, whose fatigue was dulling his reflexes.

In other circumstances, the son of the fierce ages would have quickly put an end to such a confrontation.

But these two days of hunting and this long night of vigil weighed on him.
The blows he dealt were imprecise.

Page Eight.

The wolves, lurking in the undergrowth, watched growling at this hand-to-hand combat with its uncertain phases.

Who would emerge victorious?
The man or the wild beast with the mottled fur?
Who would strike the fatal blow? The claws, or the ivory knife?

It was the knife of ivory!
With its flank open, the feline arched its back.

And dragged himself towards the thick undergrowth where he disappeared.
Rahan didn't want to. Steal your life, "Spotted-skin".
But, But it was. His or. Yours.

This wild and desperate hand-to-hand combat had exhausted the last of the son of Crao’s strength.
And the "Dogs-Who-Kill" are still there!

Page Nine.

He knew he was surrounded by wolves, and now at their mercy!
Well! What are you waiting for!?
But know that. Rahan will not.
Leave you.
His life.

Without fighting!
This last challenge, once again, remained unanswered.
Having reached the limits of his resistance, he felt himself weakening.

Fire! The "Dogs-that-kill" fear fire.
Rahan must. Find.

He dragged himself around for a moment looking for flint.
But this grassy ground did not contain any.
Ah. This, this, this is over for Rahan.

He. He will join. The "territory of shadows." He, He.
Overcome by an insurmountable vertigo, the son of Crao had just collapsed.

His fingers parted, releasing the ivory knife.
And he remained inert, falling into a sleep from which nothing could have torn him. Then, slowly.

Silently, the whole herd of wolves.
Emerged from the bushes.

Page Ten.

The circle closed and then stopped around Rahan.
Only a large she-wolf broke away and approached the man.

Whose hair, under the moon, formed like a golden halo, of this man who offered her his throat.

Tormented by a terrible nightmare, the son of Crao could no longer see anything, hear anything, or feel anything.

So he did not feel that rough tongue that licked his face for a long time.

The "Dogs-that-kill" that night, did not kill!
But their howls rose to the moon.
Howls of a horde too wary to have shown its gratitude sooner.

Howls of a she-wolf thanking this hunter for saving her cubs from the great river.

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