Hank Kunneman's Word Reveals How Intercession Pre-Prayered the Way of the LORD

2 months ago

I'm sharing this word with all those who've joined us on the Call to Pray for our Nation every Thursday since 2018. Discover the role you've played in pre-prayering (preparing) the way of the LORD. This morning Elijah List shared a word from Hank Kunneman. You can access the complete word here. https://elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=31934.

In this video I'll tie his prophetic word today, to prophetic words we received in years past as we helped pre-prayer the way of the LORD through our Thursday night calls. You'll be shocked at what Psalm 68:11 reveals regarding the role of the prophet and the army of intercessors.


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#prophets #propheticword #prophecy #intercession #prayer #strategicprayer #roleofprophets
#propheticwordfulfilled #intercessoryarmy #timtaylor #hankkunneman #elijahlist

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