Sabbath Message (Audio) for 21/10/47/120 - 21/12/2024

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Sabbath Message (Audio) for 21/10/47/120 - 21/12/2024
Sabbath 21/10/47/120

Dear Friends

Today we are to review the question of Repentance. We are in the Last Days and the world was given Forty Years for Repentance (No. 290). That time was from the declaration in 1987 which commences the Measuring of the Temple (No. 137). The period went from 1987 to the Jubilee in 2027. From 1987 to 1993 the Churches of God in Sardis and all over the world were measured and in 1994 prior to the New Year they were declared dead and scattered to the winds. On the New Year at 1 Abib the final era of the Churches of God was set up and held its first service. Laodicea had already been spewed from the Mouth of God over the sequence from the 1840s to 1978 with its declaration of Trinitarianism with the Adventists, and also its abandoning of the Sabbath and the Law of God under the JWs. Sardis was declared dead and disbanded from 1993/4 at the end of the Seven years of probation from 1987. The church of Jeremiah 4:15-27 from Dan-Ephraim and Rev. 3:7-13 and as prophesied in Ezekiel (see Fire From Heaven (No. 028)) was formed. It was given the Lampstand in the Last Days (No. 170A). It then set upon the task of warning the nations of the coming of the Messiah, as was its task from those texts (Warning of the Last Days (No. 044)). The warning was issued over the thirty years from 1994 to 2024 and the end of Abraham's Legacy over the 400 years to Kislev 2023 (No. 212J). 2024 began the Great Tribulation (No. 141D_2). See also the videos at and

The Tribulation covers 2024 to 2028 ending with the total elimination of the false religious systems of the world including Trinitarianism, Judaism and Islam and also Hinduism and Buddhism and all other non-religious systems. The only people that will be left alive is the Holy Seed keeping the Law and the Testimony and the Temple Calendar flowing from the Law. The Churches of God keeping Hillel will repent with Judaism or die. They will certainly not enter the First Resurrection unless they repent immediately.

What does genuine repentance mean exactly? We are all called to repentance and that means we are called to an understanding of the faith and we come to a necessity of keeping God's Laws and that includes the Sabbaths and all the Holy Days that flow from the Law and the Testimony as it was kept in the Temple period and by the church in the wilderness over the forty jubilees from 27 CE to 2027 CE. That system will also be kept over the entire Millennium or thousand-year rule of the Messiah from Jerusalem (Isa. 66:23-24; Zech 14:16-21; Rev. Ch. 20). The Sabbaths and New Moons will be kept on pain of death as we see from these texts. The Churches of God never kept Hillel in all those years until it was introduced in 1940 to the Church of God (SD) by Dugger and Armstrong. The Churches of God have been smashed and scattered and they seem not to realise that God expects them to repent from their sins. Keeping the Sabbaths on the wrong days is sin. The repentance required of God's people is to cease from sin. That means to keep the entire Law and the Testimony and the Temple Calendar that flows from the law. The Churches of God and Judaism surely cannot expect to be acceptable to God keeping a Calendar that did not exist until 358 CE and not in its present form until the Twelfth Century. That Calendar was never kept by the Churches of God until 1940. This is just spitting in God's Face, and you have been dispersed and scattered by God because of it. Laodicea does nothing and thinks because they have not been all publicly executed that they are OK. Simply put if the Churches of God do not repent immediately, they have no chance whatsoever of making the First Resurrection (No. 143A). Repentance means to repent (change) and cease from doing what you are doing that transgresses God's Law. Once the Witnesses arrive it will be virtually too late to make it to the First Resurrection. Sardis and Laodicea will be the Foolish Virgins or not even so virginal with their false doctrines. When Christ arrives, it is too late. You may be granted to live into the Millennium if your repentance is obvious and fast enough but even that may not get you into the Holy Seed of the millennial system. These ministers sinning as you do will not save you. Repent and leave.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General

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