Sabbath Message Part B (Audio) for 21/10/47/120 - 21/12/2024

2 months ago

Sabbath Message Part B (Audio) for 21/10/47/120 - 21/12/2024
Sabbath 21/10/47/120B

Dear Friends

This week we are forced to endure the pagan festival of the Solstice falsely labelled Christmas. This is not a Christian festival. It has no place in Christianity. We have dealt with the origins and the problems with it in the paper Origins of Christmas and Easter (No. 235). It is an affront to every genuine Christian and Muslim.

It was introduced to Christianity in 375 CE from Syria when the Dark Ice Age began and the superstitious began worshipping the sun god once again. It intruded into Christianity there in Syria, and with Roman patronage spread all over the world. No one was under any illusions about its origins and the customs are obvious as to their pagan origins.

Christmas was banned in England by Henry VIII and again by Cromwell, both in a sincerely Christian effort to rid Britain of this insidious evil. The Bible prohibits it in Jer. 10:1-10 and from verses 11-25 God says how these pagan festivals and the false gods they represent will be stamped from the face of the earth. That will start in the very near future. The wars will continue now from the Middle East and spread into Europe, and the Far East and the Americas. With the Wars will come the Witnesses, Enoch and Elijah, to the Temple Mount and they will commence to deal with humanity. They will finish these pagan festivals and they will turn these feasts into mourning and a curse upon all mankind. That will continue until the arrival of the Messiah and the Host. They will stamp out this heresy and abomination from the face of the earth. Not one shred of this pagan festival will survive into the millennial system. No one who practices it will live into the Millennium, and none associated with it will live into the Millennium.

It is not a joke, and it will not be tolerated. Nor will any of the other things that God denounces as abominations. The leadership of this world is contrary to the Law and the Testimony of God and the prophets to Israel and the Church. Very soon the Witnesses will arrive hard on the heels of this coming war. They will address this heresy and those practicing it will suffer greatly. The pressure will continue then over 1335 days until it is a stench in the nostrils of mankind. (see also No. 141C_4C). There will be no broadcaster or journalist left alive supporting it.

God has given us clear direction regarding what He wants and forbids. Ignore Him and the Testimony at your peril. Scripture is not a book of suggestions. They are commands of God and only those who keep the Law and the Testimony and the Temple Calendar that flows from the Law will live on as Elohim. The choice is yours.

Keep the faith. Our doctrines are clear. They are mandatory for membership. You are with us, or you are not.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General

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