Climate doomsday hustler,We're trapping would be released by 750K Hiroshima-class atomic bombs

2 months ago

Climate doomsday hustler, Al Gore: "[We're trapping] as much extra heat as would be released by 750,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs exploding on the Earth, every 24 hours."

"And that extra heat is raising temperatures... generating a massive flow of climate refugees migrating across international borders—as many as a billion in this century."

"And the same extra heat is causing the droughts which are threatening agricultural production. The food system is at a higher level of risk of multi breadbasket failure than we could ever have imagined was possible."

"But here's the good news... If we reach true net zero, and stop adding to the amount of this heat trapping gas up there, the temperatures will stop going up almost immediately... If we stay at true net zero, 50% of all of the human-caused greenhouse gas pollution will fall out of the atmosphere in as little as 25 to 30 years."

Source @RealWideAwakeMedia

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