Ep. 47 Fortune 500 Senior Exec Comes to Torah. And: Did the Pilgrims Keep Torah? With Tom Bradford

2 months ago

Sponsored by Torah Sisters Magazine! Use code: LIFE for $5 off your first issue: https://store.torahsisters.com/ Get the only lifestyle magazine for Torah-observant women (full of feast ideas, biblically clean recipes, encouragement for your faith, Sabbath tips and so much more) beautifully printed and mailed to your home every other month!

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Tom Bradford was a senior executive of a Fortune 500 company before he retired early and found out the Laws in the Old Testament indeed apply to 21st-Century Christians. Now, with more than 30-years of teaching these "Torah" Laws, he runs a free online Bible Study website for Believers in Yeshua, called Torah Class. He also founded a fellowship called Seed of Abraham in Florida. And his website hosts "Holyland Marketplace", which connects westerners with craftsmen in Israel to purchase their hand-made wares, such as shofars, menorahs and jewelry (it's like an Israeli Etsy).

Connect with Tom:
- Torah Class: https://www.torahclass.com/
- Seed of Abraham: https://www.seedofabrahamfellowship.com/
- Holyland Marketplace: https://holylandmarketplace.com/
- Love Israel https://loveisrael.org/
- Hope For Israel https://hope4israel.org/

The LIFE Podcast is sponsored by:

Torah Sisters Magazine! Use code: LIFE for $5 off your first issue: https://store.torahsisters.com/ Get the only (gorgeous!) lifestyle magazine for Torah observant women mailed to your home every other month!

THE WAY documentary, a film which tells the story of countless believers around the world who’ve traded Easter ham for Passover lamb and Sunday church for Saturday Sabbath - all in an effort to live like their Savior. Learn more and buy your DVD, digital download or 10 hr Extended Edition at: https://www.thewaydoc.com/collections/the-way-documentary

THE TRUTH: REFORMATION 2.0 is a light-hearted, hard-hitting apologetics book from the creators of The Way documentary. It's the first book of its kind to offer systematic, biblical answers to every mainstream Christian objection to Torah observance. Learn more and get your copy (digital or paperback) at: https://www.thewaydoc.com/thetruth

THE CHRISTMAS QUESTION documentary: https://www.thewaydoc.com/collections/the-christmas-question This documentary unravels the history of the holiday and explores the implications for today's Christians. This film answers the question: Is it a sin for Christians to celebrate Christmas?

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